• Total units 48 Units
  • Areas of interest Forestry, Resource Management and Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Zoology, Biodiversity Conservation
  • Major code BIOD-MAJ

The United Nations concluded that human actions threaten more species with extinction than ever before. Conserving biodiversity in the face of ongoing population growth, resource consumption and climate change represents a major challenge to society.

This major is intended for students that aspire to engage in evidence-based solutions to conserve biodiversity.

There is a focus in this major on:

  • The key scientific principles that underpin biodiversity conservation.
  • Developing field skills and applying cutting-edge techniques for collecting biodiversity data.
  • Developing analytical skills that enable you to interpret and authoritatively critique biodiversity information.
  • Applying these scientific principles and skills to develop evidence-based conservation policy and management.

This major offers field trips to several of The Australian National University’s long-term research sites around Australia, interactions with practicing professionals and opportunities to obtain practical experience that will improve your employment opportunities in areas such as park and reserve management, threatened species conservation, managing pest plants and animals, environmental impact assessment, or restoration and rehabilitation of degraded lands.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Articulate why conserving biodiversity is important to audiences ranging from the general public to the scientific community.
  2. Apply key concepts that underpin the conservation of biodiversity at the level of genes, species and ecosystems.
  3. Design and implement practical strategies to measure and monitor biodiversity.
  4. Analyse, interpret and critique data used to evaluate biodiversity and the impacts of human activities on biodiversity.
  5. Identify management and policy options to conserve biodiversity in a range of circumstances.

Other Information

Which courses should you take in first year?

You will need to enrol in at least 2 of the following courses in your first year of study. These courses will contribute towards satisfying the 1000-level requirements of the Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (Honours). For example, you are strongly advised to enrol in ENVS1003 Intro to Environmental and Social Research and BIOL1003 Ecology, Evolution and Genetics in your first year, as these courses are prerequisites for several later courses in the major and therefore will provide you with more options as you progress through the major.

  • BIOL1003 Biology 1: Ecology, Evolution and Genetics (6 units)
  • BIOL1009 Diversity of Life (6 units)
  • ENVS1003 Introduction to Environmental and Social Research (6 units)
  • ENVS1004 Australia’s Environment (6 units)

Other course selections may include:

Additional advice: 

  • The courses from which to choose for this major are grouped into key themes: (1) core conservation sciences; (2) quantitative and spatial skills; (3) conservation management and policy; and (4) field-based skills.
  • For students taking BIOL3208 or SCNC3000 as part of this major, the research project or internship must be in the field of biodiversity conservation and align with the learning outcomes of the BIOD-MAJ.

Courses in this major that will contribute towards satisfying the transdisciplinary problem-solving course requirements of your undergraduate degree:

  • BIOL3178 Recovering Threatened Species and Ecosystems (6 units)
  • ENVS1004 Australia's Environment (6 units)
  • ENVS2018 Environmental Field School (6 units)

Academic or enrolment advice:

Students can seek further advice from the academic contact for this major (details above), or the College of Science Student Services Team (students.cos@anu.edu.au)

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Courses marked with an asterisk (*) have 1000-level prerequisites which must be selected in the first year of study and will contribute towards satisfying the 1000-level course requirements of the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (Honours).

Not all courses will need to be taken depending on later year course selection. Please check individual courses for details however the courses listed below provide an indication of which 1000-level courses are prerequisites for 2000-3000- level courses listed in this major. You will need to take at least 2 courses from BIOL1003, BIOL1004, ENVS1003 or ENVS1004).

This major requires the completion of 48 units, of which:

A minimum of 18 units must come from completion of 3000-level courses

A maximum of 24 units may come from completion of courses from BIOL - Biology courses listed below

A maximum of 24 units may come from completion of courses from ENVS - Environmental Science courses listed below

The 48 units must include:

30 units from the completion of courses from the following lists, of which:

A minimum of 6 units must from completion of core Conservation Sciences courses from the list below:

*BIOL2114 Evolution (6 units)

*BIOL2131 Ecology (6 units)

*BIOL2151 Genetics (6 units)

BIOL3106 Biosecurity (6 units)

BIOL3131 Behavioural Ecology (6 units)

BIOL3206 Evolution of Biodiversity (6 units)

BIOL3213 Australian Wildlife (6 units)

ENVS2001 Biodiversity Science: Wildlife, Vegetation & Landscape Ecology (6 units)

A minimum of 6 units must from completion of Quantitative and Spatial Skills courses from the list below:

*BIOL2001 Introduction to Quantitative Biology (6 units)

*BIOL2202 Experimental Design and Analysis in Biology (6 units)

BIOL3130 Quantitative Ecology (6 units)

*ENVS2002 Environmental Measurement, Modelling and Monitoring (6 units)

ENVS2015 GIS and Spatial Analysis (6 units)

ENVS3045 Social Applications of GIS (6 units)


12 units from completion of Conservation Management and Policy courses from the list below:

BIOL3178 Recovering Threatened Species and Ecosystems (6 units)

ENVS2025 Indigenous Land Management (6 units)

ENVS3039 Biodiversity Conservation (6 units)

ENVS3041 Managing Forested Landscapes (6 units)

SCNC3000 Science Internship (6-12 units)


6 units from completion of Field-based Skills courses from the following list:

*BIOL2203 Field Studies in Functional Ecology (6 units)

BIOL3132 Field Studies in Behavioural Ecology (6 units)

BIOL3208 Biology Research Project (6 units)

BIOL3303 Advanced Field Studies in Functional Ecology (6 units)

EMSC3019 Coral Reef Field Studies (6 units)

*ENVS2018 Environmental Science Field School (6 units)

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