• Length 4 years full-time
  • Minimum 192 Units
Admission requirements
Do you want to talk to someone before enrolling? Contact students.CASS@anu.edu.au
  • Mode of delivery
    • Internal

Single degree

Four years full-time (192 units) - 4 courses per semester (24 units)
Ten courses in one Arts discipline (A major of 8 courses plus 2 courses) (60 units)
Six Advanced Studies courses (36 units)
Eight electives (48 units) from across the ANU
Honours year (48 units)

About this degree

In a Bachelor of Philosophy degree program you will study a total of 192 units. Typically you will take 4 courses per semester (total of 24 units) as a full time student giving you a total of 36 (6-unit) courses across your whole degree.
You'll need to take ten courses in one Arts discipline (a major of 8 courses plus 2 courses) (60 units), six advanced studies courses (36 units) and one Honours year (48 units).

You'll also get to choose eight electives from courses right across ANU. You can use these electives to try a range of courses or to take a major or minor in a non-Arts subject.

Enrolment Status

While it's possible to enrol in fewer courses per semester, which is called studying part-time, it will take you longer to finish your program and get your degree. If you are an international student you must always be full-time.
A course (usually 6 units) can only be counted towards one major or elective minor.
You need to enrol in courses for both First Semester and Second Semester.
You can’t study more than four courses (24 units) per semester, eight for the year.
You need to enrol in courses for one potential Arts major
You may take 1000-level courses later in your program. But remember you can’t count more than ten 1000-level courses (60 units) towards your degree.

Important things to keep in mind when choosing your 1000-level courses

When you enrol for the first time you will study ‘1000-level’ courses. These courses have ‘1’ as the first number in their course code, such as ARTS1234.
You need to enrol in:
Courses for both First Semester and Second Semester
1000 level Courses for at least one Arts major
Two Advanced Studies courses:
•    ARTS1101 - Advanced Studies 1: Thinking Research in Second Semester
•    ARTS1102 - Advanced Studies 2: Doing Research in First Semester
Four 1000-level courses to bring the total to eight courses

Majors and Minors

See available majors and minors for this program

The Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) has the following majors available:
•   Ancient Greek
•   Ancient History
•   Anthropology
•   Archaeology
•   Art History
•   Biological Anthropology
•   Contemporary Europe
•   Development Studies
•   English
•   French Language and Culture
•   Geography
•   Gender, Sexuality and Culture
•   German Language and Culture
•   History
•   International RelationsItalian Language and Culture
•   Latin
•   Linguistics
•   Music
•   Philosophy
•   Political Science
•   Sociology
•   Spanish

There is no minor requirement in the Bachelor of Philosphy (Honours) degree, however you can use your electives to make up a minor.


While you only need to enrol in courses for ten Arts courses, six Advanced Studies courses and one honours year, you can use your electives to enrol in 1000-level courses for other Arts majors or minors. That way you keep your options open. Once you've selected courses for the major, you should choose electives to make up the balance of your courses.

Study Options

Bachelor of Philosophy

This is a typical study pattern for the first year of a student undertaking a Bachelor of Philosophy.

Study Options

Year 1 48 units Arts Major 1000 level Course 6 units ARTS1101 Elective 1000 level Course 6 units Elective 1000 level Course 6 units
Arts Major 1000 level Course 6 units ARTS1102 Elective 1000 level Course 6 units Elective 1000 level Course 6 units

Do you want to talk to someone before enrolling?

Contact students.CASS@anu.edu.au

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