single degree

Bachelor of International Relations

A single three year undergraduate award offered by the ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences

  • Length 3 year full-time
  • Minimum 144 Units
Admission requirements
  • Field of Education
    • Political Science
  • Length 3 year full-time
  • Minimum 144 Units
Admission requirements
  • Field of Education
    • Political Science

Program Requirements

The Bachelor of International Relations requires completion of 144 units, of which:

A maximum of 60 units may come from completion of 1000-level courses

The 144 units must include:

36 units from completion of the following compulsory courses:

POLS1005 Intro to International Relations: Foundations and Concepts

POLS1006 Intro to International Relations: Contemporary Global Issues

POLS2094 Issues in International Political Economy

POLS2133 International Organizations in World Politics

POLS3001 Foreign Policy Analysis: Understanding Global and Australian Foreign Policy Decision-Making

POLS3017 International Relations Theory

A minimum of 6 units from the following theory courses:

POLS2063 Contemporary Political Theory

POLS2102 The Political Philosophy of Deception

POLS3032 The Politics of Empire

POLS2119 Ideas in Politics

POLS2120 Foundations of Political Theory

A minimum of 6 units from the following methods courses:

POLS2125 Game Theory and Social Science

POLS3025 Contemporary Political Analysis

POLS3028 Researching and Writing Human Rights

SOCY2038 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods

SOCY2043 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods

A minimum of 12 units from the following areas studies courses:

ASIA2109 Politics of South Asia

EURO1004 Europe in the Modern Era

EURO2003 European Union: Policies, Institutions and Challenges

INTR2010 International Relations of the Asia-Pacific

INTR2028 Southeast Asia: ASEAN and Regional Order

MEAS1001 Introduction to the Modern Middle East

MEAS2001 New States of Eurasia: Emerging Issues in Politics and Security

MEAS2105 The Political Economy of the Middle East

POLS1007 An Introduction to Latin American Studies

POLS2095 Politics in Latin America

POLS2117 The International Relations of Latin America

A minimum of 6 units from the following security courses:

INTR2012 China's New Approaches to Asia Pacific Security

INTR2014 Indian Foreign and Security Policy

INTR2016 US Security Policy in Asia

INTR2018 Japan's Security Dilemmas

INTR2020 Security and Stability on the Korean Peninsula

INTR2024 Nuclear Politics in Asia: Challenges and Opportunities

POLS2099 Cartographies of Security: Critical Security Studies and International Politics

POLS2123 Peace and Conflict Studies

POLS2124 Politics of Nuclear Weapons

POLS2131 Security Communities: From War to Peace

POLS3033 Environment, Human Security and Conflict

POLS3036 International Terrorism

STST1001 Introduction to International Security Studies

STST2001 International Security Issues in the Asia Pacific

STST3001 Transnational Security Issues in the Asia-Pacific

STST2003 Security in the South Pacific: Is it Australia's "Arc of Instability"?

STST3002 Australia's Security in the Asian Century

A minimum of 6 units from the following global politics courses:

HIST2136 World at War, 1939-1945

HIST2141 The Cold War: 1945-1989

HIST2240 Democracy and Dissent: Europe Since 1945

PHIL2113 Global Justice

POLS2011 Development and Change

POLS2064 Global Social Movements

POLS2096 Genocide Studies

POLS2100 Genocide Post-1945

POLS2101 Refugee Politics: Displacement and Exclusion in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries

POLS2113 Human Rights

SOCY2030 Sociology of Third World Development

A maximum of 12 units from the following internships and Vice Chancellors courses:

ANIP3003 Australian National Internship A

ANIP3005 Australian National Internship B

VCUG1001 The Art of Computing

VCUG2001 Creating Knowledge

VCUG2002 Leadership and Influence in a Complex World

VCUG3001 Unravelling Complexity

VCUG3002 Mobilising Research

A maximum of 24 units from courses in the following language minors

Advanced French Studies

Advanced German Studies

Advanced Hispanic Culture

Advanced Hispanic Linguistics

Advanced Italian Studies

Advanced Spanish Studies

Ancient Greek


Chinese Language

Classical Chinese

French Language and Culture

German Language and Culture

Hindi Language

Indonesian Language

Italian Language and Culture

Japanese Language

Japanese Linguistics

Korean Language




Sanskrit Language


Thai Language

Urdu Language

Vietnamese Language

48 units from completion of elective courses offered by ANU


For information about honours, please see Bachelor of International Relations (Honours)



Elective Study

Once you have met the program requirements of your degree, you may have enough electives to complete an additional elective majorminor or specialisation.

Study Options

Year 1 48 units POLS1005 ANU Elective 6 units Areas Studies Course 6 units Language Minor Course 6 units
POLS1006 Areas Studies Course 6 units ANU Elective 6 units Language Minor Course 6 units
Year 2 48 units POLS2133 Theory Course 6 units Methods Course 6 units ANU Elective 6 units
POLS2094 ANU Elective 6 units ANU Elective 6 units ANU Elective 6 units
Year 3 48 units POLS3001 ANU Elective 6 units ANU Elective 6 units ANU Elective 6 units
POLS3017 Global Politics Course 6 units ANIP Internship/VC courses 12 units -

Admission Requirements

Admission to all programs is on a competitive basis. Admission to undergraduate degrees is based on meeting the ATAR requirement or an equivalent rank derived from the following qualifications:

• An Australian year 12 qualification or international equivalent; OR
• A completed Associate Diploma, Associate Degree, AQF Diploma, Diploma, AQF Advanced Diploma, Graduate Certificate or international equivalent; OR
• At least one standard full-time year (1.0 FTE) in a single program of degree level study at an Australian higher education institution or international equivalent; OR
• An approved tertiary preparation course unless subsequent study is undertaken.

Click HERE for further information about domestic admission.

More information about ATAR requirements for individual programs can be found HERE.

The table below is a guide to the entry level required for domestic applicants. Exact entry level will be set at time of offer.

Domestic applicant entry requirements

Queensland Band equivalents are a guide only - selection is made on a UAI equivalent that is not available to students.

International applicant entry requirements

International applicants may view further information on admissions requirements at Entry Requirements for International Undergraduate Applicants

The University reserves the right to alter or discontinue its programs as required.

QLD Band:
International Baccalaureate:

Adjustment Factors

The National Access Scheme 2014

ANU offers bonus points for nationally strategic senior secondary subjects, and in recognition of difficult circumstances that students face in their studies. 

Bonus points are applied to all applicants with an ATAR at or above 70. Points are awarded in accordance with the approved schedule, and no more than 10 points (maximum 5 academic points and maximum 5 equity points) will be awarded.

Bonus points do not apply to programs with an ATAR cutoff of 98 or higher.

Bonus Points are only awarded to domestic applicants applying for admission through UAC who have not previously attempted tertiary study.

How to apply

Academic Bonus Points: senior secondary students do not need to apply for ANU academic bonus points. They are automatically added in accordance with the schedule.

Educational Access Scheme: senior secondary students do not need to apply if their school is part of the Priority School Funding Program or Country Areas Program. All other applicants should refer to  for more information.

Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)

For more information see:

Annual indicative fee for international students

For further information on International Tuition Fees see:


ANU offers a wide range of scholarships to students to assist with the cost of their studies.

Eligibility to apply for ANU scholarships varies depending on the specifics of the scholarship and can be categorised by the type of student you are.  Specific scholarship application process information is included in the relevant scholarship listing.

For further information see the Scholarships website.

Can you see yourself jet-setting the globe with a career in trade, foreign affairs, journalism, international business or research? You have found the right degree.

ANU is a leader in the field of International Relations.

Our program will introduce you to International Relations, initially via the broad historical and intellectual framework which has framed the modern world of states since the 17th century. It will then concentrate on the 20th century, the age of World Wars and the Cold War, before addressing contemporary issues, the age of global political economy, global culture and communication, global environmental concerns and post-Cold war political conflict, including the 'War on Terror'.

With our flexible program you can extend your chosen language subject into a major, and have the opportunity to go on exchange or an international/national internship.

Career Options

Graduates from ANU have been rated as Australia's most employable graduates and among the most sought after by employers worldwide.

The latest Global Employability University Ranking, published by the Times Higher Education, rated ANU as Australia's top university for getting a job for the fourth year in a row.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of a Bachelor of International Relations, graduates will be able to:

  1. Identify the principal theoretical approaches to the study of international relations, and the relationships between them;
  2. Have a thorough understanding of the historical development of the global system;
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the principal actors in contemporary global politics and the challenges they face;
  4. Understand the principal factors that determine the foreign policies of major powers and of Australia;
  5. Reflect critically on the knowledge and skills developed in their study of International Relations.

Single degree

Three years full time (144 units) - four courses per semester (24 units)
A maximum of 60 units 0f 1000 level courses
36 units  of Compulsory Bachelor of International Relations Courses
6 units of theory courses
6 units of method courses
12 units of areas studies courses
6 units of security courses
6 units of global politics courses
Up to 12 units of internships and Vice Chancellors courses
Up to 24 units of language minor courses
48 units of electives courses from across the ANU

Double degree

This degree requires 96 units
A maximum of 36 units of 1000 level courses
Three years full time - four courses per semester (24 units)
36 units of compulsory Bachelor of International Relations courses
6 units of theory courses
6 units of method courses
12 units of areas studies courses
6 units of security courses
6 units of global politics courses
Up to 12 units of internships and Vice Chancellors courses
Up to 24 units of language minor courses

About this degree

Single degree
In a Bachelor of International Relations degree program you will study a total of 144 units. Typically you will take 4 courses per semester (total of 24 units) as a full time student giving you a total of 24 (6-unit) courses across your whole degree.
You'll need to take the 36 units of International Relations compulsory courses, 6 units of theory courses, 6 units of methods courses, 12 units of areas studies courses, 6 units of security courses, 6 units of global politics courses.  To complete the required 96 units, you may take more than 6 units from each of the specified lists or you may take up to 12 units of internships and Vice chancellors courses and/or up to 24 units of language minors courses. You'll also get to choose 48 units of electives courses from across ANU. You can use these electives to try a range of courses or to take a major or minor in a non-Arts subject.

Double degree
In a Bachelor of International Relations degree program you will study a total of 96 units. Typically you will take 4 courses per semester (total of 24 units) as a full time student giving you a total of 16 courses across your whole degree. However, for each semester you are likely to take 2 courses from your Bachelor of International Relations degree and then 2 courses from the other half of your double degree – still a total of 4 courses a semester.
You'll need to take the 36 units of International Relations compulsory courses, 6 units of theory courses, 6 units of methods courses, 12 units of areas studies courses, 6 units of security courses, 6 units of global politics courses.  To complete the required 96 units, you may take more than 6 units from each of the specified lists or you may take up to 12 units of internships and Vice chancellors courses and/or up to 24 units of language minors courses.

Enrolment Status

While it's possible to enrol in fewer courses per semester, which is called studying part-time, it will take you longer to finish your program and get your degree. If you are an international student you must always be full-time.
•    A course (usually 6 units) can only be counted towards one major, minor or specialisation.
•    You need to enrol in courses for both First Semester and Second Semester.
•    You can’t study more than four courses (24 units) per semester, eight for the year.
•    You need to enrol in the compulsory 1000 level courses for the Bachelor of International Relations POLS1005 and POLS1006   
•    You need to enrol in 12 units of 1000 level courses from the areas studies list EURO1004, MEAS1001 and POLS1007 and/or courses from the language minor
You may take 1000-level courses later in your program. But remember you can’t count more than ten 1000-level courses (60 units) towards your single degree or six 1000-level courses (36 units) towards your Bachelor of International Relations half of the double degree

Important things to keep in mind when choosing your 1000-level courses

When you enrol for the first time you will study ‘1000-level’ courses. These courses have ‘1’ as the first number in their course code, such as POLS1234.

Majors and Minors

See available majors and minors for this program

You need to enrol in two 1000-level compulsory courses for the Bachelor of International Relations:
•    POLS1005 - Introduction to International Relations: Foundations and Concepts
•    POLS1006 - Introduction to International Relations: Contemporary Global Issues

You need to enrol in two 1000-level courses from the areas studies list
•    EURO1004 Europe in the Modern Era
•    MEAS1001 Introduction to the Modern Middle East
•    POLS1007 An Introduction to Latin American Studies
You need to enrol in two courses from the language minors


Single Degree
You can use your electives to enrol in 1000-level courses for other Arts majors or minors.

Study Options

Bachelor of International Relations - Single Degree

This is a typical study pattern for the first year of a student undertaking a Bachelor of International Relations.

Study Options

Year 1 48 units POLS1005 Language Minor Course 6 units Areas Studies Course 6 units Elective 1000 level Course 6 units
POLS1006 Language Minor Course 6 units Areas Studies Course 6 units Elective 1000 level Course 6 units

Bachelor of International Relations - Double Degree

Study Options

Year 1 48 units POLS1005 Any 1000 level course from the Area Studies or Security Lists or Minor 1000/2000 level Course Degree B 6 units Degree B 6 units
POLS1006 Any 1000 level course from the Area Studies or Security Lists or Minor 1000/2000 level Course Degree B 6 units Degree B 6 units
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