• Class Number 2814
  • Term Code
  • Class Info
  • Unit Value 6 units
  • Mode of Delivery In Person
    • Dr Shankar Kalyanasundaram
  • Class Dates
  • Class Start Date 25/02/2019
  • Class End Date 31/05/2019
  • Census Date 31/03/2019
  • Last Date to Enrol 04/03/2019
SELT Survey Results

Mechanical Systems and Design (ENGN2217)
This course covers the elements of mechanics of materials, experimental mechanics and design of space frames using commercial Finite Element Software. Topics covered include equilibrium of deformable body, Concepts of  stress and strain, Mechanical properties of materials, Axial loading, thermal  stress, Torsional loading, Bending behaviour, stress concentrations, Transverse shear loading, combined loadings, stress transformation, deflection of beams and shafts, statically indeterminate problems and buckling of columns. Experimental Mechanics laboratories include usage of strain gauges and photo-elastic stress measurements.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion, students will have the knowledge and skills to:

At the completion of this course it is desired that each student be able to:

1.       Develop an understanding on the  use  the material data obtained from standard mechanical testing methods for structural design applications

2.       Analyse the structural response behaviour by breaking the response of structure into axial, bending and torsional deformation modes

3.       Design simple connections for use in structural mechanics

4.       Develop an understanding of stress concentrations in structures

5.       Analyse thermal behaviour of structural members

6.       Develop a knowledge  of combined loading behaviour in structural systems

7.       Design and optimize the design of  three dimensional frame structures using finite element analysis

8.       Develop an understanding of experimental mechanics techniques through the use of strain gage measurements and photo elastic  experiments

Professional Skills Mapping:
Mapping of Learning Outcomes to Assessment and Professional Competencies 

Dr Shankar Kalyanasundaram

Research Interests

Dr Shankar Kalyanasundaram

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