Photonic Systems
Learning Outcomes
- Professionally apply systematic engineering methods to design optimised and sustainable solutions to problems related to photonic systems.
- Formulate and evaluate solutions to engineering problems in the field of renewable energy by selecting and applying theoretical principles and methods from the underpinning physical, mathematical and information sciences.
- Proficiently apply advanced technical knowledge and appropriate tools in photonic systems.
- Identify and critically evaluate current developments and emerging trends within the field of photonic systems.
- Communicate effectively with colleagues and others employing a range of communication media and tools.
- Engage in independent research and investigation and critical reflection.
- Work effectively and proactively within teams, demonstrating autonomy, professional conduct, well developed judgement, adaptability and responsibility to achieve engineering outcomes at a high standard.
ProfessionalSkills Mapping:
Mappingof Learning Outcomes to Professional Competencies
Other Information
Photonic engineering is an important interdisciplinary human endeavour whose developments and applications span modern long haul telecommunications, biomedical diagnostics, avionics and astronomical instrumentation. Its technology also plays a key role in numerous high precision manufacturing processes. This major requires deep insight of the phenomenon of light so that the engineer can understand the physical basics and functions of the devices that manipulate and process light. Graduates are then expected to apply this knowledge to design and create innovative photonic systems which address the needs of science and industry. This degree provides rigourous training in theory, concept as well as a rich laboratory hands on experience. ANU also has many exciting project opportunities in photonics that demand in-depth analysis and critical thinking which require integration of knowledge from multiple fields of technology.Areas of Interest
- Materials Science
- Mathematics
- Photonics
- Physics
- Engineering
- Electronics
- Communications
- Materials
- Theoretical Physics
Relevant Degrees
48 Units from completion of the following courses:
ENGN1218 Introduction to Electronics (6 units)
ENGN2218 Electronic Systems & Design (6 units)
ENGN3512 Optical Physics (6 units)
ENGN4513 Fibre Optics Communications Systems (6 units)
ENGN4524 Photovoltaic Technologies (6 units)
ENGN4613 Photonic Sensing Systems (6 units)
PHYS2201 Classical Mechanics (6 units)
PHYS3005 Photonics Laboratory (6 units)