• Total units 48 Units
  • Areas of interest Economics, Mathematics
  • Major code MECO-MAJ
  • Academic career Undergraduate


The major in Mathematical Economics gives students an opportunity to explore the intimate relationship between mathematics and economics through a program of study which focuses on mathematical analysis, modern statistical techniques and economic theory.

The combination of economics and mathematics prepares the student to directly go into the business world, or to go onto graduate study in economics or finance.

Learning Goals:

Students who complete the major in Mathematical Economics will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate mastery of mathematical concepts and techniques to the level of advanced Analysis.
  2. Demonstrate mastery of the concepts and techniques of of Probability, Statistics, and Stochastic processes.
  3. Demonstrate mastery of the ideas and concepts of Economic Theory.
  4. Apply concepts and techniques from mathematics and statistics to economic problems.
  5. Obtain a deep understanding of Economic Theory in the context of advanced mathematical frameworks.
  6. Think clearly, sequentially and logically, as demonstrated by the critical analysis of quantitative problems, in particular economics problems.
  7. Appreciate that mathematics and statistics is embedded in everyday life through its influence in various fields, in particular in economics.
  8. Draw on discipline based experiences of working collaboratively, communicating mathematical and economics knowledge and acting professionally and responsibility in further study, or professional pursuits.

Other Information

Advice to Students

What 1st year courses should you enrol in? To satisfy pre-requisites of the core courses in the major, students must take MATH1115 and MATH1116; ECON1101 and ECON1102 (or ECON1100 or ECON1001/1011; and STAT1003 or STAT1008.

It is recommended that students take MATH2305 and one extra MATH coded course to obtain a Minor in Mathematics.

Students should seek further course advice from the academic convener of this Mathematical Economics major.

Relevant Degrees

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Major Requirements

This major requires the completion of 48 units, which must include:

24 units from completion of the following course(s):

Code Title Units
STAT2001 Introductory Mathematical Statistics 6
ECON2101 Microeconomics 2(P) 6
MATH2320 Advanced Analysis 1: Metric Spaces and Applications 6
MATH3029 Probability Modelling with Applications 6

12 units from completion of the following course(s):

Code Title Units
ECON3127 Computational Methods in Economics 6
ECON3152 Game Theory 6
ECON3153 Game Theory (H) 6
EMET2007 Econometrics I: Econometric Methods 6

6 units from completion of the following course(s):

Code Title Units
ECON3100 Economics 3 (H) 6
EMET3006 Applied Micro-econometrics 6
EMET3008 Applied Macro and Financial Econometrics 6

6 units from completion of the following course(s):

Code Title Units
MATH3320 Advanced Analysis 2: Topology, Lebesgue Integration and Hilbert Spaces 6
MATH3325 Advanced Functional Analysis, Spectral theory and Applications 6
MATH3511 Scientific Computing 6
MATH3512 Matrix Computations 6
MATH3514 Numerical Optimisation 6
MATH4202 Theory of Partial Differential Equations Honours 6
MATH3342 Advanced Differential Geometry 6
MATH4204 Algebraic Topology Honours 6
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