Policy analysis is essential for informing the development, implementation and evaluation of public policy. In this specialisation students will deepen their understanding of different approaches to policy analysis for informing decision-making and policy design, as well as analytic approaches for clarifying values and arguments and mediating interests. It provides an opportunity for students to develop and strengthen their policy analysis skills in a number of different traditions. Courses in the specialisation enable students to explore different forms of policy analysis such as cost-benefit analysis, statistical and econometric analysis and stakeholder analysis. Through this specialisation students will gain skills in how to effectively interpret, present and communicate results from different types of policy analysis. This specialisation is aimed at students who are, or are hoping to, undertake policy analysis in government, business, and community sectors.
Relevant Degrees
This specialisation requires the completion of 24 units, which must consist of:
6 units from completion of POGO8055 Case Studies in Decision Making
18 units from completion of courses from the following list:
IDEC8017 Econometric Techniques
IDEC8026 Quantitative Policy Impact Evaluation
IDEC8088 Cost-Benefit Analysis: Principles and Practice
LAWS8323 Strategic Negotiation Skills
POGO8083 Policy Advocacy
POGO8210 Case Studies in Economic Policy
POPH8313 Analysis of Public Health Data
SOCR8202 Using Data to Answer Policy Questions and Evaluate Policy
SOCR8204 Advanced Social Science Approaches to Inform Policy Development and Service Delivery
STAT8002 Applied Time Series Analysis
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