• Total units 48 Units
  • Areas of interest Archaeology
  • Major code ARCH-MAJ
  • Academic career Undergraduate

The major in archaeology provides students with the opportunity to learn archaeological techniques and comprehend the evidence of past human societies in different locations, for both prehistoric and historical periods. Courses cover a wide range of regional cultural sequences and archaeological methodologies.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion, students will have the knowledge and skills to:

  1. idnetify patterns and regional variation in the human past as revealed by the archaeological evidence.
  2. explain the nature of prehistoric and historic life and cultural transformations.
  3. critically evaluate archaeological evidence for the reconstruction of cultural systems and cultural change in specific regions.
  4. describe the long-term cultural changes in different parts of the world.
  5. explain the basics of human physical and cultural evolution.
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This major requires the completion of 48 units, which must include:

A maximum of 12 units of courses at 1000 level

A minimum of 6 units of courses at 3000 level

12 units from completion of the following course(s):

Code Title Units
ARCH1111 Archaeology Uncovered 6
ARCH1112 From Origins to Civilizations 6

A maximum of 30 units may come from completion of courses from the following list:

Code Title Units
ARCH2004 Australian Archaeology 6
ARCH2005 Archaeology of the Pacific Islanders 6
ARCH2007 Archaeological Laboratory Methods 6
ARCH2037 Post-Roman Archaeology of Britain: From Arthur to the Black Death 6
ARCH2041 Introduction to Environmental Archaeology 6
ARCH2050 Archaeology of Southeast Asia 6
ARCH2052 Archaeology in Film and Fiction 6
ARCH2056 Britons and Romans: Archaeology of the Western Roman Empire 6
ARCH2058 European prehistory from cultivation to the Celts 6
ARCH2060 International Archaeological Field School Extension 6
ARCH2061 Archaeological Field Methods 6
ASIA2203 Archaeology of China 6
BIAN2015 Human Skeletal Analysis 6
BIAN2128 Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology 6
BIAN2130 Ancient Medicine 6
HIST2022 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander History 6
HIST2234 The Reach of History: Presenting the past in the public domain 6
HUMN2051 Introduction to Cultural Heritage Management 6

A maximum of 12 units may come from completion of courses from the following list:

Code Title Units
ARCH2055 Archaeological Fieldschools & Fieldwork Practice 6
ARCH2059 International Archaeological Field School 6

A minimum of 6 units must come from completion of courses from the following list:

Code Title Units
ARCH3000 Research Design and Analysis in Archaeology 6
ARCH3023 Thinking through the past: archaeological theory from 1950 6
ARCH3024 In the footprints of Siddhartha: The Archaeology of Buddhism 6
ARCH3026 History of Archaeology: Discovering the Past 6
ARCH3028 Archaeology of Death and Mortuary Practices 6
ARCH3029 Making-Taking-Using-Breaking: Material Culture Studies and Technology in Archaeology 6
ARCH3030 Archaeology of Ritual and Religion 6
ARCH3108 Animals, Plants and People 6
ASIA3051 Study Tour: Archaeology in Asia 6
BIAN3010 Scientific Dating in Archaeology and Palaeoenvironmental Studies 6
BIAN3016 Analysis of Vertebrate Remains 6
BIAN3113 Human Evolution 6
BIAN3125 Ancient Health & Disease 6
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