• Total units 24 Units
  • Areas of interest Asian Languages, Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Asian Studies, Language Studies, Linguistics
  • Minor code JPLN-MIN
  • Academic career Undergraduate


The Japanese Linguistics Minor is designed to provide students with an opportunity to establish a basis of linguistic knowledge of the Japanese language. It covers a variety of topics in Japanese linguistics in cooperation with the School  of Language Studies in CASS. Students are expected to have some familiarity with the Japanese language, and this Minor will also enhance students’ Japanese language skills by further looking at the structure of the language.


Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this minor a student will be able to:

  1. demonstrate a knowledge of current general linguistic issues,
  2. demonstrate a knowledge of a wide range of issues in Japanese linguistics,
  3. demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of specific issues of Japanese linguistics in accordance with the student's interests, and
  4. analyse and discuss general phenomena in Japanese linguistic
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This minor requires the completion of 24 units, which must include:

12 units from completion of the following course(s):

Code Title Units
LING1001 Introduction to the Study of Language 6
LING2028 Japanese Linguistics 6

12 units from completion of the following course(s):

Code Title Units
ASIA2001 Language in Asia and the Pacific 6
ASIA3012 Readings in Asian Societies and Histories 6
  ASIA 3013: Read Asian Soc & Hist_B
  JPNS 2009: Japanese Lexicon
  JPNS 2019: Japenese Phonetics & Phonology
JPNS2024 Japanese Grammar and Expressions 6
  JPNS 3011: Lang Variation & Change: Japan
JPNS3012 Teaching Japanese: Content 6
JPNS3013 Japanese - English Translation 6
JPNS3014 Teaching Japanese: Method 6
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