• Class Number 7274
  • Term Code 3160
  • Class Info
  • Unit Value 6 units
  • Mode of Delivery In Person
    • Craig Tapper
    • Craig Tapper
  • Class Dates
  • Class Start Date 26/07/2021
  • Class End Date 29/10/2021
  • Census Date 14/09/2021
  • Last Date to Enrol 02/08/2021
SELT Survey Results

The objective of this course is to introduce students to the marketing of financial services. All financial institutions, including consumer banks and corporate finance services, practice some form of marketing. Some firms market themselves better than others, as evidenced in the competitive value of their brands.

This course will demonstrate to students the benefits of using an analytical approach to marketing in the financial services industry, and will show students how to undertake that analysis. An analytical approach helps firms to  (1) identify marketing options, (2) calibrate the opportunity costs associated with each option, and (3) choose the best option to achieve the firm's business goals.

This course operationalizes several marketing concepts such as segmentation, targeting, and positioning. By the end of this course, students will know how to segment customers, what kind of data are required to do so, what are the different ways to segment, which customers to target, how to determine the best positioning of your brand in customers' minds, how to develop new products/services that add value to consumers and firms, how to price financial products,  how to efficiently manage multiple brands across multiple segments in order to meet corporate bottom-line goals, how to develop a brand, how to migrate a brand when brands are acquired or merged, and how to co-brand financial services.

The pedagogic philosophy in this course is that of learning by doing. Therefore, students will go beyond learning conceptual marketing material to learning how to do marketing, using real and simulated data from the financial services industry.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion, students will have the knowledge and skills to:

  1. Describe a financial service organisation’s marketing-critical internal and external environments
  2. Apply marketing theories, models, and/or frameworks appropriate to a financial service organisation’s marketing environment
  3. Analyse the financial services industry marketing environment using extant theories and frameworks for both empirical and theoretical insights
  4. Create marketing strategies in a financial services industry setting based on relevant empirical and theoretical analytical insights
  5. Generate differentiated value propositions for a financial services organisation based on appropriate theories, models, and/or framework
  6. Communicate strategies or strategic alternatives both in writing and verbally to facilitate organisational marketing decision-making and problem-solving in the financial services sector

Research-Led Teaching

This course draws insights from scholarly research, industry publications, case studies, contemporary business media commentary, and market analyses. Students are able to develop and apply their understanding of the content through assessments that link research and practice. 

Field Trips

This course does not have field trips.

Additional Course Costs

This course does not have additional costs.

Examination Material or equipment

This course does not have an examination.

Required Resources

There are no required resources for this subject

The seminars include additional insights from various marketing textbooks, journals, trade magazines, and business media. References for these sources will be on the lecture slides.

Staff Feedback

Students will be given feedback in the following forms in this course:
  • Written comments
  • Verbal comments
  • Feedback to the whole class, to groups, to individuals, focus groups

Student Feedback

ANU is committed to the demonstration of educational excellence and regularly seeks feedback from students. Students are encouraged to offer feedback directly to their Course Convener or through their College and Course representatives (if applicable). The feedback given in these surveys is anonymous and provides the Colleges, University Education Committee and Academic Board with opportunities to recognise excellent teaching, and opportunities for improvement. The Surveys and Evaluation website provides more information on student surveys at ANU and reports on the feedback provided on ANU courses.

Class Schedule

Week/Session Summary of Activities Assessment
1 Part 1: Foundations & Frameworks Marketing Concepts, Financial Services & MKTG2003 Links to readings will be provided in Wattle prior to the relevant class
2 Sustainability - CSR, CSV, Ethics & Values Links to readings will be provided in Wattle prior to the relevant class
3 The Nature of Financial Services Links to readings will be provided in Wattle prior to the relevant class
4 Part 2: Strategy Development Marketing Strategy & the Environment Links to readings will be provided in Wattle prior to the relevant class
5 Understanding Consumers Links to readings will be provided in Wattle prior to the relevant class Group formation Online Assignment Due 08.59am Tuesday
6 Segmenting, Targeting & Positioning Links to readings will be provided in Wattle prior to the relevant class
7 Part 3: Value Propositions Creating Value (Products) Links to readings will be provided in Wattle prior to the relevant class Topic Report Due 11:59pm Monday
8 Communicating Value Links to readings will be provided in Wattle prior to the relevant class
9 Delivering Value Links to readings will be provided in Wattle prior to the relevant class
10 Sustaining Value Links to readings will be provided in Wattle prior to the relevant class Case Study - Video Presentation Due 08:59am Monday
11 Capturing Value Links to readings will be provided in Wattle prior to the relevant class
12 Part 4: Closing Perspectives The Future of Marketing in Financial Services Links to readings will be provided in Wattle prior to the relevant class Case Study - Report Due 11:59pm Nov 4, 2021

Tutorial Registration

The course design integrates weekly online 2-hour seminars with at-home preparation activities. Preparation for, and participation in, all seminars is encouraged to support the learning experience and outcomes.Given the present health situation, this course will be taught online. Further details about the structure and teaching activities for this course will be available on the course Wattle site by start of Week O.

Assessment Summary

Assessment task Value Due Date Return of assessment Learning Outcomes
Online Assignment 20 % 17/08/2021 29/08/2021 1) define, explain and illustrate some of the frameworks and approaches that are helpful in marketing financial services; 2) describe how: · marketing contributes to success in modern financial institutions; · the marketing of services like financial services differs from tangible goods marketing;
Topic Report 40 % 20/09/2021 04/10/2021 1) define, explain and illustrate some of the frameworks and approaches that are helpful in marketing financial services; 2) describe how: · marketing contributes to success in modern financial institutions; · the marketing of services like financial services differs from tangible goods marketing; 5) outline how to efficiently manage multiple product or brand portfolios across multiple customer segments, and how to develop an effective marketing strategy in modern financial service organisations.
Case Study - Video Presentation 15 % 11/10/2021 26/10/2020 1) define, explain and illustrate some of the frameworks and approaches that are helpful in marketing financial services; 2) describe how: · marketing contributes to success in modern financial institutions; · the marketing of services like financial services differs from tangible goods marketing; 3) discuss how: · segmentation is used to understand and manage customer behaviour; · to position value propositions, products and brands in customers’ minds; · to develop new products (goods and services) that add value to consumers and firms; · to price financial products; 4) outline how to identify which customers to target; and, 5) outline how to efficiently manage multiple product or brand portfolios across multiple customer segments, and how to develop an effective marketing strategy in modern financial service organisations.
Case Study - Report 15 % 27/10/2021 02/12/2021 1) define, explain and illustrate some of the frameworks and approaches that are helpful in marketing financial services; 2) describe how: · marketing contributes to success in modern financial institutions; · the marketing of services like financial services differs from tangible goods marketing; 3) discuss how: · segmentation is used to understand and manage customer behaviour; · to position value propositions, products and brands in customers’ minds; · to develop new products (goods and services) that add value to consumers and firms; · to price financial products; 4) outline how to identify which customers to target; and, 5) outline how to efficiently manage multiple product or brand portfolios across multiple customer segments, and how to develop an effective marketing strategy in modern financial service organisations.
Class Participation - Reflections 10 % * *

* If the Due Date and Return of Assessment date are blank, see the Assessment Tab for specific Assessment Task details


ANU has educational policies, procedures and guidelines, which are designed to ensure that staff and students are aware of the University’s academic standards, and implement them. Students are expected to have read the Academic Misconduct Rule before the commencement of their course. Other key policies and guidelines include:

Assessment Requirements

The ANU is using Turnitin to enhance student citation and referencing techniques, and to assess assignment submissions as a component of the University's approach to managing Academic Integrity. For additional information regarding Turnitin please visit the ANU Online website Students may choose not to submit assessment items through Turnitin. In this instance you will be required to submit, alongside the assessment item itself, hard copies of all references included in the assessment item.

Moderation of Assessment

Marks that are allocated during Semester are to be considered provisional until formalised by the College examiners meeting at the end of each Semester. If appropriate, some moderation of marks might be applied prior to final results being released.


Preparation for, and participation in, all seminars and tutorials is encouraged to support the learning experience and outcomes.


This course does not have an examinations.

Assessment Task 1

Value: 20 %
Due Date: 17/08/2021
Return of Assessment: 29/08/2021
Learning Outcomes: 1) define, explain and illustrate some of the frameworks and approaches that are helpful in marketing financial services; 2) describe how: · marketing contributes to success in modern financial institutions; · the marketing of services like financial services differs from tangible goods marketing;

Online Assignment

Worth: 20%

Type: Individual

Words: 1000 words

Submission: via Turnitin

Due: 08:59 (08:59am) Monday Week 5

Return: Within 1 week of submission



The online assignment comprise a series of short answer questions designed to assess understanding and application of models, concepts and frameworks covered in the course readings and lecture topics from weeks 1 to 3 (inclusive). This is a time-limited task that starts in Wattle at 9.00am on Friday of Week 4 and closes at 9.00am on Tuesday of Week 5. Information regarding the question style, learning resources, marking criteria (rubric), and online instructions will be posted on Wattle by the end of Week 1 and discussed in the first seminar. Feedback will be provided in writing and in class one week after submission.


Late submissions are not accepted.


ASSESSMENT COMPONENTHigh DistinctionDistinctionCreditPassRefer/Fail

Theory, model and/or frameworks selection (100%)

Identification of appropriate and relevant theories, models and frameworks from materials covered in weeks 1-3 of the course for the scenarios offered in the question. 

Integrates a range of relevant theory, models and/or frameworks in sufficient detail to demonstrate sophisticated conceptual understanding (i.e. more than simply paraphrasing the theory, models and/or frameworks).  Demonstrates clear and insightful synthesis of how the theory, models and/or frameworks are used in financial services marketing settings.  May offer a critique of the theory, models and/or frameworks (explain their value and limitations). 

Clearly demonstrates understanding of a number of relevant theories, models and/or frameworks in sufficient depth to demonstrate high levels of competence in their use and relationship to the scenario specified in the question.  

Clearly outlines the contribution of the selected theories, models and/or frameworks to ‘best practices’ in financial services marketing.

Uses a limited number of theories, models and/or frameworks in sufficient detail to demonstrate understanding of their use. Makes little or no mention of the value of these theories, models and/or frameworks to best practices in financial services marketing. 

Uses a single theory, model or framework but does so in sufficient detail to demonstrate a basic but appropriate level of understanding of the theory, model or framework and its relevance to the scenario.    May use more than one theory, model and/or framework but lacks sufficient detail in engaging with the selection that understanding is unclear.

Fails to engage with any theories, models and/or frameworks or does so incorrectly or inappropriately.   

Assessment Task 2

Value: 40 %
Due Date: 20/09/2021
Return of Assessment: 04/10/2021
Learning Outcomes: 1) define, explain and illustrate some of the frameworks and approaches that are helpful in marketing financial services; 2) describe how: · marketing contributes to success in modern financial institutions; · the marketing of services like financial services differs from tangible goods marketing; 5) outline how to efficiently manage multiple product or brand portfolios across multiple customer segments, and how to develop an effective marketing strategy in modern financial service organisations.

Topic Report

Worth: 40%

Type: Individual

Words: 2000 words

Submission: via Turnitin

Due: 23:59 (11.59pm) Monday Week 7

Return: By the start of Week 9



The topic report involves explaining the nature and relevance of contemporary best practice models, frameworks and concepts in an applied setting of marketing financial services, examining real-life examples of the issues, and developing evidence-based recommendations for marketers. Information about the topics from which to select, the report requirements, and the marking criteria (rubric) will be posted on Wattle and discussed in seminars no later than Week 2. Additional class activities and resources are in place to support this task.   


ASSESSMENT COMPONENTHigh DistinctionDistinctionCreditPassRefer/Fail

Theory, model and/or frameworks selection (30%)

Identification of appropriate key theories, models and frameworks from materials covered in weeks 1-5 of the course to perform the analysis of the case or applied scenario

Integrates a range of relevant theory, models and/or frameworks in sufficient detail to demonstrate sophisticated conceptual understanding (i.e. more than simply paraphrasing the theory, models and/or frameworks).  Demonstrates clear and insightful synthesis of how the theory, models and/or frameworks are used to generate financial services marketing insights.  May offer a critique of the theory, models and/or frameworks (explain their value and limitations).  

Clearly demonstrates understanding of a number of relevant theories, models and/or frameworks in sufficient depth to demonstrate high levels of competence in their use and relationship to the individual task/focus of the analysis.  

Clearly outlines the contribution of the selected theories, models and/or frameworks to ‘best practices’ in financial services marketing.

Uses a limited number of theories, models and/or frameworks in sufficient detail to demonstrate understanding of their use. Makes little or no mention of the value of these theories, models and/or frameworks to best practices in financial services marketing. 

Uses a single theory, model or framework but does so in sufficient detail to demonstrate a basic but appropriate level of understanding of the theory, model or framework and its use.    May use more than one theory, model and/or framework but lacks sufficient detail in engaging with the selection that understanding is unclear.

Fails to engage with any theories, models and/or frameworks or does so incorrectly or inappropriately.   

Theory, model and framework applications (30%)

Depth of application of the identified key models, concepts and frameworks to relevant facts contained in the case study or applied setting during the analysis phase. 

Integrates a wide range of relevant facts from the case or research of the applied setting with the detail of course theories, models and/or frameworks.  Compares and contrasts the detail of the theories, models and/or frameworks with the facts in ways that clearly demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the practical use of the selected tools in financial services marketing.   Includes innovative use of relevant course theories, models 

Sources and summarises an appropriate volume of relevant facts from the case study or from research of the applied setting.  Uses the detail of a range of theories, models and/or frameworks to appropriately to compare and contrast to the data in well-constructed analyses.  Sound application of relevant course theories, models and/or frameworks.

Applies a few facts from the case or applied setting to the detail of a limited range of appropriate theories, models and/or frameworks. Case facts, or facts gathered via research of the applied setting may be limited in number, scope and relevance.  Facts may be principally summarised rather than compared and contrasted to the theories, models and/or frameworks as analyses.   Appropriately applies course theories, models and/or frameworks. 

Offers limited facts from the case or applied setting but these are highly limited in scope and volume.  Tends to rely on minimal or subjective and un-reliable observations or broad summaries of case or applied setting information (including own opinion or external sources not detailed in the case study or gathered from reliable independent sources).  Does not explicitly compare and contrast facts and evidence to the theories, models and/or frameworks in sufficient detail to clearly demonstrate understanding of practical use of the tools.   Limited application of course theories, models and/or frameworks.

Fails to relate to relevant case study or applied setting information (other than personal observations).  Does not apply the detail of theories, models and/or frameworks to analyse the case or applied setting or does so incorrectly.  Little or no use of course theories, models and/or frameworks. 

Insight generation (30%)

Has the student derived financial services marketing insights and issues that the organisation needs to address by interpreting the analyses? 

Integrates a wide range of relevant facts from the case or research of the applied setting with the detail of course theories, models and/or frameworks.  Compares and contrasts the detail of the theories, models and/or frameworks with the facts in ways that clearly demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the practical use of the selected tools in financial services marketing.  Includes innovative use of relevant course theories, models and/or frameworks.

Explicitly generates insights and interpretations from the analyses.   Synthesises the insights and interprets the strategic issues detailed in the case or applied setting in new and insightful ways and demonstrates clear judgements of the implications for the organisation's financial services marketing strategies against clear and appropriate choice of criteria.  Financial services marketing implications are clearly described, creative, realistic, and evaluated and clearly linked back to the analyses. 

Offers a range of insights and interpretations from the analyses about the organisation's financial services marketing strategy/focus. 

Financial services marketing implications are described, and are mostly realistic, and mostly justified by prior analyses. 

Summarises a limited number of observations about the analyses.

May not clearly articulate these as implications for financial services marketing strategies or the insights/implications may not be well-justified by prior discussion in the analyses (i.e. links between the insights and the analyses are not clearly made). 

Conducts analyses but makes few or unclear statements about the implications and insights from the analyses. 

May offer insights or outline implications but makes little or no connection to the analyses.  May present new information that should have been incorporated in the analyses. 

Fails to relate to relevant case study or applied setting information (other than personal observations).  Does not apply the detail of theories, models and/or frameworks to analyse the case or applied setting or does so incorrectly. Little or no use of course theories, models and/or frameworks. 


Fails to conduct appropriate interpretation of the analyses.  Summarises some information but does not interpret the information or offers financial services marketing interpretations for which there is little supporting evidence.  Relies on simply offering opinions where there is little independent support for the views expressed.   

Presents new information that should have been in the analyses. 

Written Communication (10%)

·       Has the student communicated clearly and concisely in written form? 

·       Has the student structured text logically and coherently? 

Has the student presented text professionally and referenced sources accurately using Harvard referencing format?

Throughout the report, information and ideas are summarised and described coherently.  Analyses and interpretation of the analyses are organised and presented in a logical, professional and flowing manner. Clear linkages across issues and between analyses and interpretations/insights.

Throughout most of the report, information, issues and ideas are described coherently and organised in a logical and flowing manner.  The arguments are easy to follow and professional language (grammar, syntax and structure) are applied. 

Reasonable organisation and coherence. Some flow of ideas but some discontinuities.   Expression is appropriate but relies on simply summarising facts from the case or researched about the applied setting (i.e. linkages between insights and analyses are unclear or do not flow).  The grammar, syntax and expression have issues and could be presented in a more persuasive or professional manner.

Report adheres to most formatting referencing, and length requirements

Attempt to organise ideas in a logical manner, but with minimal flow between ideas.  Heavy reliance on simply summarising or paraphrasing information from the case or applied setting and course theories, models and/or frameworks.  Grammar, syntax and structure lack professionalism or effectiveness in communication (i.e. ideas are unclear or poorly expressed).

Report fails to adhere to many of the formatting, referencing, and length requirements. 

Ideas are disconnected and incoherent.

Many formatting requirements overlooked.   Grammar, syntax and structure of the report is unprofessional and poor in conveying meaning and relevance.

Assessment Task 3

Value: 15 %
Due Date: 11/10/2021
Return of Assessment: 26/10/2020
Learning Outcomes: 1) define, explain and illustrate some of the frameworks and approaches that are helpful in marketing financial services; 2) describe how: · marketing contributes to success in modern financial institutions; · the marketing of services like financial services differs from tangible goods marketing; 3) discuss how: · segmentation is used to understand and manage customer behaviour; · to position value propositions, products and brands in customers’ minds; · to develop new products (goods and services) that add value to consumers and firms; · to price financial products; 4) outline how to identify which customers to target; and, 5) outline how to efficiently manage multiple product or brand portfolios across multiple customer segments, and how to develop an effective marketing strategy in modern financial service organisations.

Case Study - Video Presentation

Worth: 15%

Type: Group

Format: Narrated PowerPoint

Submission: via Wattle

Due: 08:59 (08.59am) Monday Week 10

Return: Within two weeks of submission



The Case Study - Video Presentation is linked to the Case Study - Report assignment (Assessment 4)


Overall, the Case Study project involves analysing the marketing strategy and tactics used by a financial services organisation for one of the products in their brand portfolio and developing evidence-based recommendations for the organisation. Groups deliver their work in two parts: a video presentation and a written report. The requirements and marking criteria for each part differ to suit the progress stages and communication methods. 


The video presentation involves preparing a narrated PowerPoint presentation (or equivalent audio-visual format such as video clip agreed with the Course Convenor).    

 The due date for submitting video presentations via Wattle is the same for all groups (11.59pm Sunday Week 9). Groups are also required to submit a journal or summary of each group member’s contribution to the task.


Information about the project requirements and marking criteria will be posted on Wattle and discussed in seminars no later than Week 4. Group formation and allocation of organisations is scheduled for Week 5 seminars. Various class activities and resources are also in place to support the collaborative completion of this task. 


ASSESSMENT COMPONENTHigh DistinctionDistinctionCreditPassRefer/Fail

Clearly identifies the focus of the assignment (10%)

Clear identification of the products or value propositions within the organisations brand and/or product portfolio which the team is focusing on in the assessment

Detailed insightful description of the particular focus of the organisation’s product or brand portfolio that the team is undertaking.  Clearly explains how the analysis contributes to the analyses and report that the team is undertaking (how does this first analysis help understand the financial services marketing issues and options for the organisation to be addressed in the final report?) 

Description of the analysis that the team is undertaking.  Outlines the contribution of this analysis in generating financial services marketing insights about the organisation but fails to clearly articulate the contribution that the analyses make to generating insights for the final report. 

Describes the analyses that are being undertaken.  Positions this as part of the wider report being undertaken by the team but does so superficially or without clearly detailing the linkages between the two parts. 

Outlines the analyses that are being undertaken.  Makes little mention of how these analyses contributes to the wider team report or the contribution they make to financial services marketing strategy development

Fails to detail what analyses are being undertaken or their purpose.  May refer to analyses being undertaken, but reference is inappropriate.  Makes little or no mention of the connections between the analyses and the final report.

Theory, model and/or frameworks selection (25%)

Identification of appropriate key theories, models and frameworks from materials covered in weeks 1-9 of the course to perform the analysis of the case or applied scenario

Integrates a range of relevant theory, models and/or frameworks from across weeks 1-9 in sufficient detail to demonstrate sophisticated conceptual understanding (i.e. more than simply paraphrasing the theory, models and/or frameworks).  Demonstrates clear and insightful synthesis of how the theory, models and/or frameworks are used to generate financial services marketing insights.  May offer a critique of the theory, models and/or frameworks (explain their value and limitations).  

Clearly demonstrates understanding of a number of relevant theories, models and/or frameworks from across weeks 1-9 in sufficient depth to demonstrate high levels of competence in their use and relationship to the individual task/focus of the analysis.  

Clearly outlines the contribution of the selected theories, models and/or frameworks to ‘best practices’ in financial services marketing.

Uses a limited number of theories, models and/or frameworks from across weeks 1-9 in sufficient detail to demonstrate understanding of their use. Makes little or no mention of the value of these theories, models and/or frameworks to best practices in financial services marketing. 

Uses a minimal and insufficient range of theory, models or frameworks or does so in insufficient detail to demonstrate more than a basic but appropriate level of understanding of the theory, model or framework and its use.    May use more than one theory, model and/or framework but lacks sufficient detail in engaging with the selection that understanding is unclear.

Fails to engage with any theories, models and/or frameworks or does so incorrectly or inappropriately.   

Theory, model and framework applications (25%)

Depth of application of the identified key models, concepts and frameworks to relevant facts contained in the case study or applied setting during the analysis phase. 

Integrates a wide range of relevant facts from the case or research of the applied setting with the detail of course theories, models and/or frameworks.  Compares and contrasts the detail of the theories, models and/or frameworks with the facts in ways that clearly demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the practical use of the selected tools in financial services marketing.   Includes innovative use of relevant course theories, models and/or frameworks

Sources and summarises an appropriate volume of relevant facts from the case study or from research of the applied setting.  Uses the detail of a range of theories, models and/or frameworks to appropriately to compare and contrast to the data in well-constructed analyses.  Sound application of relevant course theories, models and/or frameworks.

Applies a few facts from the case or applied setting to the detail of a limited range of appropriate theories, models and/or frameworks. Case facts, or facts gathered via research of the applied setting may be limited in number, scope and relevance.  Facts may be principally summarised rather than compared and contrasted to the theories, models and/or frameworks as analyses.   Appropriately applies course theories, models and/or frameworks. 

Offers limited facts from the case or applied setting but these are highly limited in scope and volume.  Tends to rely on minimal or subjective and un-reliable observations or broad summaries of case or applied setting information (including own opinion or external sources not detailed in the case study or gathered from reliable independent sources).  Does not explicitly compare and contrast facts and evidence to the theories, models and/or frameworks in sufficient detail to clearly demonstrate understanding of practical use of the tools.   Limited application of course theories, models and/or frameworks.

Fails to relate to relevant case study or applied setting information (other than personal observations).  Does not apply the detail of theories, models and/or frameworks to analyse the case or applied setting or does so incorrectly.  Little or no use of course theories, models and/or frameworks. 

Insight generation (30%)

Has the student derived financial services marketing insights and issues that the organisation needs to address by interpreting the analyses

Explicitly generates insights and interpretations from the analyses.   Synthesises the insights and interprets the strategic issues detailed in the case or applied setting in new and insightful ways and demonstrates clear judgements of the implications for the organisation's financial services marketing strategies against clear and appropriate choice of criteria.  Financial services marketing implications are clearly described, creative, realistic, and evaluated and clearly linked back to the analyses. 

Offers a range of insights and interpretations from the analyses about the organisation's financial services marketing strategy/focus. 

Financial services marketing implications are described, and are mostly realistic, and mostly justified by prior analyses

Summarises a limited number of observations about the analyses.

May not clearly articulate these as implications for financial services marketing strategies or the insights/implications may not be well-justified by prior discussion in the analyses (i.e. links between the insights and the analyses are not clearly made). 

Conducts analyses but makes few or unclear statements about the implications and insights from the analyses. 

May offer insights or outline implications but makes little or no connection to the analyses.  May present new information that should have been incorporated in the analyses. 

Fails to conduct appropriate interpretation of the analyses.  Summarises some information but does not interpret the information or offers financial services marketing interpretations for which there is little supporting evidence.  Relies on simply offering opinions where there is little independent support for the views expressed.   

Presents new information that should have been in the analyses. 

Effective Audio-Visual Communication (10%)

·       Has the team communicated clearly and concisely in audio-vidual format? 

·       Has the team structured the presentation logically and coherently? 

Has the team presented the visuals and narrated the audio accompaniment professionally and referenced sources accurately using Harvard referencing format?

Throughout the presentation, information and ideas are summarised and described coherently.  Analyses and interpretation of the analyses are organised and presented in a logical, professional and convincing manner. Clear linkages across issues and between analyses and interpretations/insights.

The presentation adheres completely to formatting, referencing and length requirements. 

Throughout most of the presentation, information, issues and ideas are described coherently and organised in a logical and convincing manner.   The arguments are easy to follow and professional language (grammar, syntax and structure) are used to convey the responses in both audio and visual forms. 

The presentation adheres to all formatting, referencing, and length requirements 

Reasonable organisation and coherence. Some flow of ideas but some discontinuities.   Expression is appropriate but relies on simply summarising facts from the case or researched about the applied setting (i.e. linkages between insights and analyses are unclear or do not flow).  The grammar, syntax and expression have issues and could be presented in a more persuasive or professional manner.

The presentation adheres to most formatting referencing, and length requirements 

Attempt to organise ideas in a logical manner, but with minimal flow between ideas.  Heavy reliance on simply summarising or paraphrasing information from the case or applied setting and course theories, models and/or frameworks.  Grammar, syntax and structure lack professionalism or effectiveness in communication (i.e. ideas are unclear or poorly expressed).

The presentation fails to adhere to many of the formatting, referencing, and length requirements. 

Ideas are disconnected and incoherent.

Many formatting requirements overlooked.   Grammar, syntax and structure of the presentation is unprofessional and poor in conveying meaning and relevance.

Assessment Task 4

Value: 15 %
Due Date: 27/10/2021
Return of Assessment: 02/12/2021
Learning Outcomes: 1) define, explain and illustrate some of the frameworks and approaches that are helpful in marketing financial services; 2) describe how: · marketing contributes to success in modern financial institutions; · the marketing of services like financial services differs from tangible goods marketing; 3) discuss how: · segmentation is used to understand and manage customer behaviour; · to position value propositions, products and brands in customers’ minds; · to develop new products (goods and services) that add value to consumers and firms; · to price financial products; 4) outline how to identify which customers to target; and, 5) outline how to efficiently manage multiple product or brand portfolios across multiple customer segments, and how to develop an effective marketing strategy in modern financial service organisations.

Case Study - Report

Worth: 15%

Type: Group

Words: 3000 words

Submission: via Turnitin

Due: 23.59 (11:59pm) november 4, 2021

Return: After release of final grades



The Case Study - Report assignment continues from the Case Study - Video Presentation (Assessment 3).


For the final report, groups prepare a written document that clarifies, details, and extends the work from their video presentation. The report should reflect, or address, feedback received from the video presentation stage.


Groups also prepare a journal or summary of team member contributions outlining the roles and contributions of each group member in the case study project. This provides individuals with an opportunity to demonstrate their skills and involvement. The details provide a point of reference if issues arise around unequal contributions.


Information about the project requirements and marking criteria will be posted on Wattle and discussed in seminars no later than Week 4. Group formation and allocation of organisations is scheduled for Week 5 seminar. Various class activities and resources are also in place to support the collaborative completion of this task. 


ASSESSMENT COMPONENTHigh DistinctionDistinctionCreditPassRefer/Fail

Theory, model and/or frameworks selection (20%)

Identification of appropriate key financial services marketing theory, models and frameworks from materials covered in weeks 1-12 of the course to perform analyses and to form the basis for recommendations to address or resolve issues identified through the analyses

Integrates a range of relevant theory, models and/or frameworks in sufficient detail to demonstrate sophisticated conceptual understanding (i.e. more than simply paraphrasing the theory, models and/or frameworks).  Demonstrates clear and insightful synthesis of how the theory, models and/or frameworks are used to generate financial services marketing insights.  May offer a critique of the theory, models and/or frameworks (explain their value and limitations).  

Clearly demonstrates understanding of a number of relevant theories, models and/or frameworks in sufficient depth to demonstrate high levels of competence in their use and relationship to the individual task/focus of the analysis.  

Clearly outlines the contribution of the selected theories, models and/or frameworks to ‘best practices’ in financial services marketing.

Uses a limited number of theories, models and/or frameworks in sufficient detail to demonstrate understanding of their use. Makes little or no mention of the value of these theories, models and/or frameworks to best practices in financial services marketing. 

Uses a single theory, model or framework but does so in sufficient detail to demonstrate a basic but appropriate level of understanding of the theory, model or framework and its use.    May use more than one theory, model and/or framework but lacks sufficient detail in engaging with the selection that understanding is unclear.

Fails to engage with any theories, models and/or frameworks or does so incorrectly or inappropriately.   

Theory, model and framework applications (20%)

Depth of application of the identified key financial services marketing management theories, models and frameworks to a range of relevant facts gathered about the organisation, its existing sustainability and ethics management and values during the analysis phase. 

Gathers and integrates a wide range of relevant facts from the case study or from researching the targeted organisation, its internal and external environments, and its existing financial services marketing management practices, challenges and issues with the detail of course theories, models and/or frameworks.  Compares and contrasts the detail of the theories, models and/or frameworks with the facts in ways that clearly demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the practical use of the selected tools in financial services marketing management.   Includes innovative use of relevant course theories, models and/or frameworks.

Sources and summarises an appropriate volume of relevant facts from the case study or research of the organisation, its internal and external environments and existing financial services marketing management practices, challenges and issues.  Uses the detail of a range of theories, models and/or frameworks to appropriately to compare and contrast to the data in well-constructed analyses.  Sound application of relevant course theories, models and/or frameworks.

Applies a few facts from the case or research of the organisation, its internal and external environments and existing financial services marketing management practices, challenges and issues to the detail of a limited range of appropriate theories, models and/or frameworks. Facts may be limited in number, scope and relevance.  Facts may be principally summarised rather than compared and contrasted to the theories, models and/or frameworks as analyses.   Appropriately applies course theories, models and/or frameworks. 

Offers some facts from the case study or research of the organisation, its internal and external environments and existing financial services marketing management practices, challenges and issues but these are highly limited in scope and volume.  Tends to rely on minimal or subjective and un-reliable observations or broad summaries of information (including own opinion or limited and/or unreliable sources of information).  Does not explicitly compare and contrast facts and evidence to the theories, models and/or frameworks in sufficient detail to clearly demonstrate understanding of practical use of the tools.   Limited application of course theories, models and/or frameworks. 

Fails to relate to relevant research of the case study or the target organisation, its internal and external environments and existing financial services marketing management practices, challenges and issues (other than personal observations).  Does not apply the detail of theories, models and/or frameworks to analyse the scenario or does so incorrectly.  Little or no use of course theories, models and/or frameworks. 

Insight generation (20%)

Has the team derived financial services marketing management insights and issues that the organisation needs to address by interpreting the analyses? 

Explicitly generates insights and interpretations from the analyses.   Synthesises the insights and interprets the financial services marketing issues detailed in the case or found via research in new and insightful ways and demonstrates clear judgements of the implications for the  organisation's financial services marketing strategy/focus against clear and appropriate choice of financial services marketing management criteria.

Financial services marketing management implications are clearly described, creative, realistic, and evaluated and clearly linked back to the analyses. 

Offers a range of insights and interpretations from the analyses about the organisation's financial services marketing management issues, opportunities and challenges. 

Financial services marketing management implications are described, and are mostly realistic, and mostly justified by prior analyses.

Summarises a limited number of observations about the analyses.

May not clearly articulate these as implications for financial services marketing management or the insights/implications may not be well-justified by prior discussion in the analyses (i.e. links between the insights and the analyses are not clearly made).

Conducts analyses but makes few or unclear statements about the implications and insights from the analyses. 

May offer insights or outline implications but makes little or no connection to the analyses.  May present new information that should have been incorporated in the analyses. 

Fails to provide appropriate interpretations of the analyses.  Summarises some information but does not interpret the information or offers financial services marketing management interpretations for which there is little supporting evidence.  Relies on simply offering opinions where there is little independent support for the views expressed.

Option and business case generation and evaluation (30%)

Has the team offered clear, reasoned arguments, structured financial services marketing evaluations and justifications for one or more options to addressing the financial services marketing management issues that the organisation faces?  Are these recommendations clearly derived from the analyses of data and information (and not simply reliant on opinions and conjecture) 

Generates an innovative, contemporary and highly relevant series of financial services marketing practice recommendations to address issues, challenges or opportunities identified in the analyses.  Explicitly justifies any recommendations or decisions by linking them to insights and interpretations from a range of highly relevant analyses.   Synthesises the insights and interprets the issues found in the analyses in new and insightful ways.  Derives conclusions and evaluates options using a clear and appropriate choice of financial services marketing management contemporary best practices criteria.

Recommendations are clearly justified via links to findings from the analyses. 

Offers a range of options and arguments for a set of preferred choices using a range of insights and interpretations from relevant analyses.   Evaluates the reasons for the preferred options using appropriate financial services marketing management theory, models and frameworks criteria.  

Appropriate financial services marketing management recommendations are detailed, and are realistic, relevant to the organisation’s internal and external environments and justified by explicit connections to the analyses.  Risks associated with the preferred financial services marketing options are outlined but implications may not be adequately discussed.

Offers a range of relevant financial services marketing management recommendations. Summarises a range of observations from appropriate analyses.

May not clearly articulate the links between the recommendations and the insights/implications found via the analyses (i.e. links between the analyses, insights and the recommendations are not clearly made).   Risks with the preferred options are not considered and the reasoning for choosing the preferred financial services marketing management options over the rejected options are not adequately explained (or alternative options are not considered).

Reasonable organisation and coherence. Some flow of ideas but some discontinuities.   Expression is appropriate but relies on simply summarising facts from the case or from research of the organisation (i.e. linkages between insights and analyses are unclear or do not flow).  The grammar, syntax and expression have issues and could be presented in a more persuasive or professional manner.

Report adheres to most formatting referencing, and length requirements 

Offers recommendations but makes few or unclear connections to the implications and insights derived from the analyses. 

May present new information that should have been discussed in the analyses.   Makes no attempt to explain or justify the chosen options by evaluating them against a set of financial services marketing management selection criteria.  Does not consider a range of options but advocates only a few options.  Fails to consider or mitigate risks associated with the preferred options.

Fails to clearly recommend a preferred set or strategic options and/or fails to link these to appropriate interpretations of strategic analyses.  Offers little evidence of having evaluated alternative strategic options or used a reasoning and evaluation process to choose the recommended options.  Relies on simply offering opinions where there is little independent support for the views expressed.   

Presents new information that should have been in the analyses.

Written Communication (10%)

Has the team communicated clearly and concisely in written form? 

Has the team structured text logically and coherently? 

Has the team presented text professionally and referenced sources accurately using Harvard referencing format?

Throughout the report, information and ideas are summarised and described coherently.  Analyses and interpretation of the analyses are organised and presented in a logical, professional and flowing manner. Clear linkages across issues and between analyses and interpretations/insights. Report adheres completely to formatting, referencing 

Throughout most of the report, information, issues and ideas are described coherently and organised in a logical and flowing manner.  The arguments are easy to follow and professional language (grammar, syntax and structure) are applied. 

Report adheres to all formatting, referencing, and length requirements 

Reasonable organisation and coherence. Some flow of ideas but some discontinuities.   Expression is appropriate but relies on simply summarising facts from the case or from research of the organisation (i.e. linkages between insights and analyses are unclear or do not flow).  The grammar, syntax and expression have issues and could be presented in a more persuasive or professional manner.

Report adheres to most formatting referencing, and length requirements 

Attempt to organise ideas in a logical manner, but with minimal flow between ideas.  Heavy reliance on simply summarising or paraphrasing information from the case or course theories, models and/or frameworks.  Grammar, syntax and structure lack professionalism or effectiveness in communication (i.e. ideas are unclear or poorly expressed).

Report fails to adhere to many of the formatting, referencing, and length requirements. 

Ideas are disconnected and incoherent.

Many formatting requirements overlooked.   Grammar, syntax and structure of the report is unprofessional and poor in conveying meaning and relevance.

Assessment Task 5

Value: 10 %
Learning Outcomes: 

Class Participation - Reflections

Worth: 10%

Type: Individual

Words: 200-250 words per reflection (one reflection for each seminar over 12 weeks)

Submission: via Turnitin

Due: By 08.59 (08:59am) Monday of the week following each seminar

Feedback: within one week of discussion closing

This course is designed to be optimise learning progressively by shared reflective practice. Which means that each student is expected to attend tutorials and contribute to the shared learning of the whole course. The extent to which you contribute to shared understanding through participating in the discussion of concepts, models and frameworks, cases and materials discussed in articles or media examples highlighted in seminars and tutorials will influence your class participation mark. Therefore - you need to both attend tutorials and post a reflection on that week's learning (NOTE - it is not acceptable to simply post a reflection unless you have also attended the tutorial in which the issues were discussed).

In addition to attending tutorials, each student is expected to provide a short reflection each week on specific topics highlighted by the Seminar Leader and/or the tutor in that week's seminar and tutorial. Your contributions/reflections will be marked each week against relevant Course Learning Outcomes as Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory. You will have 12 classes (Weeks 1-12 inclusive) to earn the marks, with the best 10 of 12 counting towards the 10% (i.e. 1% each). A running total of your participation score will be available via the Wattle Gradebook with weekly updates.

In general, this course values quality more than quantity, so students who provide insightful applications or discussions of the practical value of course concepts, models and frameworks will be rewarded. If you cannot attend the tutorial and post a reflection by the deadline due to extenuating circumstances (e.g. medical), please inform the Course Convener via email and an extension for submission may be considered.

Late submissions are not accepted.



Weeks 2-4: The student is able to clearly describe how appropriate conceptual understanding of relevant financial services models, concepts and frameworks that are covered in the course materials (textbook; additional readings; lectures) relate to practical settings discussed in the media, class and the readings

Appropriate models, concepts or frameworks are used in sufficient detail to demonstrate appropriate conceptual understanding and appropriately related to facts from the cases, readings or scenarios being discussed

The student derives clear and appropriate insights about the scenario being discussed 

Models, concepts or frameworks are not used or inappropriately used to compare/contrast to facts and evidence of the scenario being addressed

The student fails to derive corporate strategy insights

Weeks 5-8: The student is able to discuss options for appropriate financial services marketing strategies and how they can be used most effectively in an applied financial services setting

Appropriate models, concepts or frameworks are related to facts from the cases, readings or scenarios being discussed to derive a range of financial services marketing strategy options based on insights derived from the analysis

The student doesn’t derive clear or appropriate insights and develop a range of financial services marketing strategy options via the process of comparing detail of course models, concepts and frameworks to the facts of the scenario

Weeks 9-12: The student is able to develop and communicate details for effective strategies or strategic alternatives that are consistent with financial services best practices

Compelling or persuasive arguments are offered from specific marketing strategy options – supported by appropriate analysis using detailed applications of course models, concepts and frameworks to facts about the scenario

Compelling and persuasive arguments are not offered or not based on insight derived from applying models, concepts and frameworks to understand the financial services marketing implications of the facts of the scenario being analysed

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is a core part of our culture as a community of scholars. At its heart, academic integrity is about behaving ethically. This means that all members of the community commit to honest and responsible scholarly practice and to upholding these values with respect and fairness. The Australian National University commits to embedding the values of academic integrity in our teaching and learning. We ensure that all members of our community understand how to engage in academic work in ways that are consistent with, and actively support academic integrity. The ANU expects staff and students to uphold high standards of academic integrity and act ethically and honestly, to ensure the quality and value of the qualification that you will graduate with. The University has policies and procedures in place to promote academic integrity and manage academic misconduct. Visit the following Academic honesty & plagiarism website for more information about academic integrity and what the ANU considers academic misconduct. The ANU offers a number of services to assist students with their assignments, examinations, and other learning activities. The Academic Skills and Learning Centre offers a number of workshops and seminars that you may find useful for your studies.

Online Submission

The ANU uses Turnitin to enhance student citation and referencing techniques, and to assess assignment submissions as a component of the University's approach to managing Academic Integrity. While the use of Turnitin is not mandatory, the ANU highly recommends Turnitin is used by both teaching staff and students. For additional information regarding Turnitin please visit the ANU Online website.

Hardcopy Submission

For some forms of assessment (hand written assignments, art works, laboratory notes, etc.) hard copy submission is appropriate when approved by the Associate Dean (Education). Hard copy submissions must utilise the Assignment Cover Sheet. Please keep a copy of tasks completed for your records.

Late Submission

Late submission of assessment tasks without an extension are penalised at the rate of 5% of the possible marks available per working day or part thereof. Late submission of assessment tasks is not accepted after 10 working days after the due date, or on or after the date specified in the course outline for the return of the assessment item. Late submission is not accepted for take-home examinations, Assessment Task 1 or 5.

All requests for extensions to assessment in RSM courses must be submitted to the RSM School Office with a completed application form and supporting documentation. The RSM Extension Application Form and further information on this process can be found at https://www.rsm.anu.edu.au/education/education-programs/notices-for-students/extension-application-procedure/

Referencing Requirements

Accepted academic practice for referencing sources that you use in presentations can be found via the links on the Wattle site, under the file named “ANU and College Policies, Program Information, Student Support Services and Assessment”. Alternatively, you can seek help through the Students Learning Development website.

Returning Assignments

Please see relevant assessment task details above.

Extensions and Penalties

Extensions and late submission of assessment pieces are covered by the Student Assessment (Coursework) Policy and Procedure The Course Convener may grant extensions for assessment pieces that are not examinations or take-home examinations. If you need an extension, you must request an extension in writing on or before the due date. If you have documented and appropriate medical evidence that demonstrates you were not able to request an extension on or before the due date, you may be able to request it after the due date.

Resubmission of Assignments

Unless specified otherwise in the assignment requirements, resubmissions are not allowed.

Privacy Notice

The ANU has made a number of third party, online, databases available for students to use. Use of each online database is conditional on student end users first agreeing to the database licensor’s terms of service and/or privacy policy. Students should read these carefully. In some cases student end users will be required to register an account with the database licensor and submit personal information, including their: first name; last name; ANU email address; and other information. In cases where student end users are asked to submit ‘content’ to a database, such as an assignment or short answers, the database licensor may only use the student’s ‘content’ in accordance with the terms of service — including any (copyright) licence the student grants to the database licensor. Any personal information or content a student submits may be stored by the licensor, potentially offshore, and will be used to process the database service in accordance with the licensors terms of service and/or privacy policy. If any student chooses not to agree to the database licensor’s terms of service or privacy policy, the student will not be able to access and use the database. In these circumstances students should contact their lecturer to enquire about alternative arrangements that are available.

Distribution of grades policy

Academic Quality Assurance Committee monitors the performance of students, including attrition, further study and employment rates and grade distribution, and College reports on quality assurance processes for assessment activities, including alignment with national and international disciplinary and interdisciplinary standards, as well as qualification type learning outcomes. Since first semester 1994, ANU uses a grading scale for all courses. This grading scale is used by all academic areas of the University.

Support for students

The University offers students support through several different services. You may contact the services listed below directly or seek advice from your Course Convener, Student Administrators, or your College and Course representatives (if applicable).
Craig Tapper

Research Interests

Digital marketing; Artificial intelligence and machine learning; Customer experience and human centred design.

Craig Tapper

Monday 09:00 10:00
By Appointment
By Appointment
Craig Tapper
6125 6737

Research Interests

Craig Tapper

Monday 09:00 10:00
By Appointment
By Appointment

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