Climate change is the largest scientific challenge facing humanity. Adapting to ongoing climate change depends on a strong scientific understanding of the fundamental climatic processes that form an integral component of Earth system science.
The ANU’s Climate Science major is a unique multidisciplinary climate science program that provides a foundation in atmospheric science, chemistry, physics, biology, statistics and scientific programming. Emphasis is placed on understanding past, present and future climate variability and change through a range of statistical, modelling, laboratory and field approaches.
This major equips students with a theoretical and analytical toolkit for understanding the scientific basis needed to adapt to future climate variability and climate change. A major in Climate Science opens up possibilities for work in government agencies, the research sector and science education. It serves as a pathway to higher degree climate science research at Australian or overseas universities.
Learning Outcomes
Think critically about climate science issues, integrate information, and construct logical, consistent and synthesised arguments.
Quantitatively analyse climate data and climate model output using a variety of observations and techniques.
Draw on diverse learning environments including field, laboratory and classroom settings encompassing individual and group learning.
Perform process-oriented, multidisciplinary studies to critically evaluate hypotheses and models on how our climate system and the life within operate.
Write scientific reports and communicate efficiently with university staff, peer students and the wider community on Climate Science topics.
Other Information
What 1st year courses should you enrol in? EMSC1006 and either MATH1003, MATH1013 or MATH1115 (required for EMSC2021)
- This major is self contained. Students should note that CHEM1101 requires an ACT major in Chemistry or NSW HSC Chemistry, or equivalent, or successful completion of a bridging course in Chemistry. Students with a level of mathematics equivalent to ACT Mathematical Methods should enroll in MATH1003. PHYS1101 has MATH1013 as a co-requisite.
- Students are encouraged in first year to take appropriate foundation courses in earth science, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology and /or environmental science, because of the interdisciplinary nature of Climate Sciences.
- Students can only complete one special topics course: either EMSC3050 or ENVS3016
Students should seek further course advice from the academic convener of the Climate Science major.
Relevant Degrees
This major requires the completion of 48 units, which must include:
18 units from the completion of the following courses:
EMSC1006 - The Blue Planet: An Introduction to Earth System Science (6 units)
ENVS2004 - Fire, Flood and Drought (6 units)
EMSC2021 - Fundamentals of Climate System Science (6 units)
12 units from the completion of courses from the following list:
CHEM1101 - Chemistry 1 (6 units)
MATH1003 - Algebra and Calculus Methods (6 units)
MATH1013 - Mathematics and Applications 1 (6 units) or MATH1115 - Advanced Mathematics and Applications 1
PHYS1001 - Foundations of Physics (6 units)
PHYS1101 - Physics 1 (6 units)
18 units from completion of courses from the following list which must include:
EMSC3014 - Global Stratigraphy (6 units)
EMSC3027 - Palaeoclimatology and Climate Change (6 units)
EMSC3032 - Melting Polar Ice Sheets, Sea Level Variations and Climate Change (6 units)
EMSC3019 - Coral Reef Field Studies (6 units)
ENVS3013 - Climate Change; Past, Present and Future (6 units)
ENVS3029 - Palaeo-Environmental Reconstruction (6 units)
A maximum of 6 units from completion of a Special Topics course from the following list:
EMSC3050 - Special Topics (6 units)
ENVS3016 - Special Topics (6 units)
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