• Total units 24 Units
  • Areas of interest Museums and Collections
  • Specialisation code MEHI-SPEC
  • Academic career Postgraduate
Museum Education and Heritage Interpretation Specialisation

This specialisation is designed to meet Australia's growing need for qualified professional educators in the field of curatorial studies broadly speaking, in relation to museums, heritage sites, and art galleries. It provides in-service professional development for museum professionals wanting to formalise or extend their capabilities in the field of museum learning, as well as for primary and secondary teachers wanting to engage further with museums as a study site, or looking for a career change opportunity.

The specialisation will prepare students for professional roles within museum/heritage education, school or public program areas by giving them both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills that will allow them to develop and implement formal and informal learning programs for museums/heritage audiences of all ages and backgrounds. It will also provide effective background preparation for those wishing to study a higher degree by research in the field of museum education.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion, students will have the knowledge and skills to:
  1. critically apply theoretical frameworks and research techniques to understanding national and international issues and problems;
  2. relate a field of study in the arts, humanities or social sciences to its wider cultural and societal context;
  3. critically evaluate ideas and develop creative solutions to complex problems; and
  4. communicate and debate complex issues both orally and in writing, using a variety of media.

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This specialisation requires the completion of 24 units, which must consist of:

24 units from completion of the following course(s):

Code Title Units
HUMN8033 Tourism, Heritage and Globalisation 6
HUMN8037 Culture and Heritage in China Field School 6
MUSC8004 Internship 1 6
MUSC8009 Museums and Heritage Research Project 6
MUSC8012 Understanding Learning in Museums and Heritage 6
MUSC8013 Museum Education and Heritage Interpretation Study Tour 6
MUSC8021 Collections Management Workshop 6
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