Corequisite major: Science Communication
Students who are taking a major in Science Communication have the option of undertaking a specialisation in Professional Science Engagement. This specialisation focuses on advanced, practical skills for engaging the public, government and other sectors of the community with aspects of science. The specialisation includes a number of substantial ‘real world’ experiences communicating science in the public domain, as part of industry placements within science or science communication organisations, and through independently driven public science communication activities. Science communication within the government sector is a focus, as are communicating science to a professional standard via news media, social media and the web, and science dialogue events.
Learning Outcomes
- Communicate science confidently and to a professional standard in accessible and appropriate ways with diverse communication partners.
- Use a range of means, media, and technologies to communicate science in the public domain.
- Develop and manage strategies to communicate complex and/or controversial science with stakeholders and different sectors of the public.
- Prepare and disseminate or implement science communication materials and activities both independently and for professional science communication organisations.
- Cultivate a professional communication profile to advance their career.
Other Information
This specialisation requires the completion of 24 units, which must consist of:
24 units from completion of courses from the following list:
SCOM2016 Science in the Media
SCOM3004 Science Communication Internship
SCOM3012 Science Communication and the Web
SCOM3027 Science Politics
SCOM3030 Science Dialogue Theory and Practice
No course may be double-counted towards both the Specialisation and the Science Communication Major; students must complete a total of 72 units of SCOM courses to graduate with both. If a student completes the same course more than once, they may count one or more such completions towards the Major and one or more towards the Specialisation if they wish, provided this is consistent with any other rules of the Major or Specialisation
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