• Class Number 2505
  • Term Code
  • Class Info
  • Unit Value 6 units
  • Mode of Delivery In Person
    • Dr Charles Gretton
  • Class Dates
  • Class Start Date 21/02/2022
  • Class End Date 27/05/2022
  • Census Date 31/03/2022
  • Last Date to Enrol 28/02/2022
SELT Survey Results

Advanced Computing R&D Project (COMP3550)

This course provides the student with project experience to complement the studies of the software development process in the courses COMP2100, and COMP2130, combined with research and development experience in COMP2560. Students work in small groups and participate in all the research and development phases of a project producing an innovative and substantial software system. This includes research planning, experimentation and evaluation phases followed by the development phases (requirements analysis, design, construction, testing and documentation). As well, each group has to address the control of this process by constructing and following a detailed management plan.

Most students will work on projects for an industry, government or university client. Highly motivated students will be given an opportunity to engage with the ACT innovation community and students across the university to create their own software-based start-up businesses.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion, students will have the knowledge and skills to:

After successfully completing this subject the student will be able to:

  1. Work as an effective member of a team to develop a software based solution that is innovative and delivers measurable value to an industry or university client.
  2. Make and defend sound research practice and engineering decisions.
  3. Communicate effectively, orally and in writing, with peers, supervisors and commercial clients/stakeholders.
  4. Creatively identify and implement a solution to a complex problem that exists within the domain of ICT.
  5. Participate effectively in project and artefact reviews with peers, supervisors and clients/stakeholders.
  6. Explain the role and importance of project management, configuration and risk management processes when undertaking a software development project, and the impact of a research component has on this. Demonstrate experience in undertaking the activities associated with these.
  7. Explain the role and importance of standards in software development. Demonstrate experience in tailoring those standards appropriately according to the project they are currently undertaking.
  8. Participate in a group presentation, including a demonstration, to an audience of peers, clients and supervisors.
  9. Develop life-long learning through reflection, as demonstrated through continual reflection on the software development lifecycle and team work processes experienced throughout the year.
  10. Exhibit an awareness of
    • team formation strategies and stages leading to the development of high performing, self-managing teams;
    • sound meeting practice; and
    • how personality traits can impact upon team performance and how to use individual traits to achieve the most from team work.
Dr Charles Gretton

Research Interests

Dr Charles Gretton

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