The course digs deep into the principles and practice of marketing with particular emphasis on the latest marketing strategies that will help marketing decision makers better address the needs of their consumers and markets. Topics include:
- The role of marketing and its environment
- market segmentation and target markets
- competitive strategies
- buyer behaviour in the consumer markets
- customer value analysis
- brand positioning and brand equity
- integrated marketing communications
- marketing of services and destination; and
- social media marketing and associated digital channels.
By incorporating an evidence-based approach this course will provide participants with advanced skills in acquiring, assessing and evaluating evidence from different sources before implementing and integrating them in their company's marketing strategies. Students will become forward thinking leaders with an evidence-based framework that will enable them to deliver superior performance in the market place by integrating in their decisions pertinent marketing strategies, that not only make their organization more efficient, but also identify target markets and create value for their customers.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion, students will have the knowledge and skills to:
- Define marketing concepts, including the marketing mix, and their application to organisations;
- Explain the need for a marketing orientation in the competitive global business environment;
- Apply an evidence-based approach to decision making to achieve the organization's goals and objectives;
- Assess the tactical use of the components of the marketing mix consistent with evidence from marketing analysis and strategy to ensure company's success in capturing and creating more value;
- Synthesize the various strategies (new business strategy, core growth strategies, new product strategies, defensive strategy and portfolio strategy) in view of creating a solid overall marketing plan;
- Create a marketing plan based on the synchronization the organisation's activities and on the combination of market research, marketing analysis and one or several of the marketing strategies learned in the course work;
- Reassess the role of marketing in the organization as a critical process beyond a mere function;
- Reflect on (i) the challenges and opportunities presented by an evidence-based marketing approach to organisations and businesses and (ii) the material covered during the class sessions and how they have contributed to students' learning.
Research-Led Teaching
This course endeavors to introduce perspectives, caveats and rules-of-thumbs associated with marketing and conducting research in the field of marketing and business communications. To that end, the approach in this course is to incorporate marketing-related examples, trends and developments that derive from academic research -through research articles and case studies- but with a focus on the latest in industry’s and practitioner’s approach, consumer market research and leadership and the volatile marketing environment due the COVID-19 pandemic. Seminars will present professional problems that will be explored using a variety of theoretical approaches to foster critical thinking and applied learning. The course will also incoporate an evidence-based approach to its major assignment tasks of mini-CAT and Group Project (marketing plan).
Field Trips
Examination Material or equipment
There is no examination in this course.
Required Resources
Sharp, B. (2017). Marketing - Theory Evidence Practice, (2nd edition). Oxford: Victoria, Australia. A copy will be available on 2hr loan from ANU Library reserve & short loan collection .
Book for sale online and on campus bookshop.
Print -
eBook -
Recommended Resources
A list of journal articles and case studies will be provided on Wattle before the first class meeting
Staff Feedback
Students will be given feedback in the following forms in this course:
- written comments
- verbal comments
- feedback to whole class, groups, individuals, focus group etc
Student Feedback
ANU is committed to the demonstration of educational excellence and regularly seeks feedback from students. Students are encouraged to offer feedback directly to their Course Convener or through their College and Course representatives (if applicable). Feedback can also be provided to Course Conveners and teachers via the Student Experience of Learning & Teaching (SELT) feedback program. SELT surveys are confidential and also provide the Colleges and ANU Executive with opportunities to recognise excellent teaching, and opportunities for improvement.
Other Information
To pass the course individual participants must achieve the following in toto and combination :
- obtain at least 50% of the total grade
- show evidence they have achieved the threshold of at least two of the highest order learning outcomes ( LO 3 to LO 8) in addition to the remaining learning outcomes that are measured by the other assessment tasks
- actively participate in and submit the group project
- submit the mini-CAT assignment
Class Schedule
Week/Session | Summary of Activities | Assessment |
1 | Course outline and learning outcomes - expectations An explanation of the evidence based teaching and learning approach within the seminar mode The role of critical and analytical thinking and reflections in learning Marketing concepts Marketing Orientation - Claims in marketing | Read Chapter 1 What do Marketing Executives do? |
2 | Marketing Strategy - Developing and implementing a marketing plan Library and searching skills (librarian) (Recording) | Read Chapter 13 Developing and Implementing a marketing plan Group Project - ideation exercise (The marketing plan) in-class |
3 | Marketing Environment and COVID -19 | Read Chapter 5 The Marketing Environment + articles relating COVID-19 and marketing (on Wattle) |
4 | Getting to know the consumers | Read Chapter 2 Consumer Behaviour and Business Buyer Behaviour Online test 1 - MCQ + short answer questions - Due Fri 17.03.23 @ 23.55 |
5 | Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning | Read Chapter 6 Customer Segmentation and Targeting mini-CAT - Outline (formative) - Due 24.03.23 @23.55 (Wattle) |
6 | Products and services | Read Chapter 7 Product (Goods and Services) Self-Reflection topical essay (Individual) - Due 31.03.23 @ 23.55 Group Project - mid-way (Formative) - Due 31.03.23 @ 23.55 |
7 | The significance of research in marketing | Read Chapter 3 Marketing Metrics Read Chapter 4 Market Research |
8 | How does advertising work? | Read Chapter 11 Advertising Read Communication process (reading will be provided) Online test 2 - MCQ + short answer questions - Due 28.04.23 @ 23.55 |
9 | An Integrated Marketing Communications approach | Read An Introduction to Integrated marketing communications (Reading will be provided) Read Chapter 12 (pp. 538-543 putting a mix together) |
10 | Media Decisions Distribution channels and COVID-19 | Read Chapter 12 media Decisions Read The Internet: Digital and Social media (reading will be provided) Readings related to COVID-19 and Distribution channels will be provided |
11 | Global marketing Social marketing Ethics and Social responsibility | Read Chapter 14 Read Chapter 15 Read Chapter 16 |
12 | Group Project presentation and Oral defense | Group Presentation and individual Oral defense (18:00-21:00)- 25.05.2023 Online test 3 - MCQ + short answer questions Due 26.05.23 @ 23.55? In week following end of Week 12 teaching: Final Self-Reflection Topical essay (Individual & summative) - Due 02.06.2023 @23.55 Mini Cat Assignment (Individual)- Due 03.06.2023 @23.55 Group Project report - Due 06.06.2023 @23.55 Peer Evaluation (Individual) - Due 06.06.2023 @23.55 |
Tutorial Registration
Assessment Summary
Assessment task | Value | Due Date | Return of assessment | Learning Outcomes |
Individual Knowledge-based tests - online on Wattle (3 x 5%=15%) | 15 % | * | * | 1,2,3,4,5,7 |
The mini-CAT (Critical Appraisal of a topic) - Individual assessment (25%) | 25 % | 03/06/2023 | 01/07/2023 | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |
Group Project Report - The marketing plan (25%) | 25 % | 06/06/2023 | 01/07/2023 | 1,2,3,4,5,6 |
Individual Oral Presentation and defense of group project (10%) | 10 % | 25/05/2023 | 01/07/2023 | 1,2,3,4,5,6 |
Peer evaluation (of group work and group project) - (5%) | 5 % | 06/06/2023 | 01/07/2023 | 5,6,8 |
Self-Reflective topical essay (2 x 10%) | 20 % | 02/06/2023 | 01/07/2023 | 8 |
* If the Due Date and Return of Assessment date are blank, see the Assessment Tab for specific Assessment Task details
ANU has educational policies, procedures and guidelines , which are designed to ensure that staff and students are aware of the University’s academic standards, and implement them. Students are expected to have read the Academic Integrity Rule before the commencement of their course. Other key policies and guidelines include:
- Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure
- Student Assessment (Coursework) Policy and Procedure
- Special Assessment Consideration Guideline and General Information
- Student Surveys and Evaluations
- Deferred Examinations
- Student Complaint Resolution Policy and Procedure
- Code of practice for teaching and learning
Assessment Requirements
The ANU is using Turnitin to enhance student citation and referencing techniques, and to assess assignment submissions as a component of the University's approach to managing Academic Integrity. For additional information regarding Turnitin please visit the Academic Skills website. In rare cases where online submission using Turnitin software is not technically possible; or where not using Turnitin software has been justified by the Course Convener and approved by the Associate Dean (Education) on the basis of the teaching model being employed; students shall submit assessment online via ‘Wattle’ outside of Turnitin, or failing that in hard copy, or through a combination of submission methods as approved by the Associate Dean (Education). The submission method is detailed below.
Moderation of Assessment
Marks that are allocated during Semester are to be considered provisional until formalised by the College examiners meeting at the end of each Semester. If appropriate, some moderation of marks might be applied prior to final results being released.
Instruction delivery: Online (with face-to-face seminars to be made available, public health conditions permitting)
This course will be delivered in dual mode F2F and Online through ZOOM. Recorded lectures will be in minimum 30 minutes frame and will not be more than 1 hour and 30 minutes. They will be made available on Echo360 to students prior to the synchronous online/ F2F seminar (minimum 1 hour 30 mins) weekly. To enable students achieve the course learning outcomes, a seminar approach ( through ZOOM synchronously and/or face-to-face public health situation permitting) that include in-class case studies, critical discussions, exercises, debates and critical thinking, is used for this course.
The language of instruction for all teaching and learning activities is English
Participation in seminars is mandatory and is a major component of the learner's experience. Attendance (for seminars - face-to-face and Online sessions if made available) is recorded for administrative purpose. Participants who are unable to attend a session are kindly requested to inform the course lecturer before hand by emailing to
Location: Seminars will take place synchronously Online through ZOOM and in face-to-face mode CBE LTR3 (public health situations permitting), On Thursdays between 18:00 and 19:30
Short Lectures: Topics will be introduced in short lecture recordings available on Echo 360. A maximum of three short recordings of 30 minutes each (maximum total of 1 hour 30 mins) will be made available each week. A list of readings will be suggested on Wattle by the end of each class session for the following week.
Students are expected to do all prescribed readings before they listen to the short lecture recordings and before the seminar. There will be no recap of the lectures during the seminar sessions which is a two-way interactive session that requires students’ verbal participation in terms of their views/opinions of the information being presented.
PowerPoint slides will be used as cues to introduce topics of discussion during lectures. In-class activities during seminars may comprise topic discussion and/or in-class exercises, short readings and/or mini case studies.
Class discussion: Students are expected to participate fully through constructive engagement and contribution during class discussions.
Details about the components and activities in class discussions will be sent at latest 3 days prior to the weekly class to to all students.
Class discussions and exercises provide a means for students to verify and reinforce their understanding and mastery of, and in the application of, information presented in the preceding recorded lecture(s). To that end, these discussions and exercises are effectively “tutorials” that will be conducted in the form of group/class discussions, evidence appraisal, case studies, critical analysis through question and answer sessions, short exercises and whenever possible through debates that engage all attendees. This will enable the lecturer to diagnose students’ challenges and help to focus students’ efforts on threshold concepts critical ideas, learning processes and techniques to assimilate lecture content and acquire skills, including writing and communication skills, purported in this course.
There is no examination in this course. However, a continuous approach to assessment requires participants' constant effort and presence in all sessions and submit all assessment tasks by the due dates.
All assessment tasks are compulsory for a final grade
Assessment Task 1
Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,4,5,7
Individual Knowledge-based tests - online on Wattle (3 x 5%=15%)
3 online tests throughout the semester
Test 1 Due 17.03.2023 Return and feedack: week 5
Test 2 Due 28.04.2023 Return and feedback: week 10
Test 3 Due 26.05.2023 Return and feedback: 01.07.2023
Each test will include multiple choice and short answer questions on the chapters covered the previous weeks - maximum number of MCQs per test : 50; maximum number of short-answer questions per test: 4
Assessment type: Individual
Time limit: 2 hours
Marking criteria: assessment criteria to be provided for short answer questions on Wattle
Opening date: Information on opening dates and times for the Online Tests will be given through announcement on Wattle one week before test due dates.
Form of submission: online Wattle
Feedback: General and overall feedback on online tests will be given on the week following the test in class. Feedback on test 1 will be provided in week 5
Assessment Task 2
Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
The mini-CAT (Critical Appraisal of a topic) - Individual assessment (25%)
Individual Critical Appraisal of topics based on claims in the fields of marketing, communication, PR, branding and promotion (Formative and summative)
The critical appraisal tasks will follow the guidelines from CEBMA.
This assignment will uncover a problem to which the chosen claim gives rise
An outline (not marked) will be submitted first by the end of week 5 for approval by the course lecturer. Comments will be sent by week 6 and discussed in class.
Assessment type: Individual
Word limit: between 1000 and 1500 words EXCLUDING Table of Content and List of References. Part of the task in excess of 1500 will not be read or marked.
Marking criteria: Further details regarding assessments and rubrics will be made available on Wattle in a mini-CAT assignment file in week 1
Due date: 03.06.2023 @ 23.55
Form of submission: via Turnitin on the course Wattle site
Feedback: Feedback on formative outline will be provided in week 6 before mid-semester teaching break
Feedback on final mini-CAT to be released with final course grades on 01.07.2023
Assessment Task 3
Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,4,5,6
Group Project Report - The marketing plan (25%)
A group project related to a marketing plan (formative and summative)
Groups will be formed in week 1
Group project ideation exercise will take place in week 2
Group project outline will be due at the beginning of week 6
Comments on outline of group project (mid-way) will be sent to students by end of week 6
Assessment type: Group (minimum 2 students and maximum 3 students-- caps may change depending on number of students enrolled)
Word limit: Written group project should not exceed 2500 words. Word count EXCLUDES Table of Content and List of References. Part of the project in excess of 2500 words will not be read or marked.
Marking criteria: More details about group formation, responsibilities of group leaders and members, group project format including rubrics and due dates (both formative and summative) will be provided in a group project information file on the course Wattle site in week 1.
Due date: 06.06.2023 @23.55
Form of submission: via Turnitin on the course Wattle site
Feedback: feedback on formative aspect of the plan (ideation, outline, theories, methods and evidence-based approach) will be provided by the end of week 6
Feedback on final group project report to be released with final course grades on 01.07.2023
Assessment Task 4
Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,4,5,6
Individual Oral Presentation and defense of group project (10%)
Individual Presentation (5%) and Oral defence (5%) of group project (in class or through ZOOM)
Each individual group member will have two minutes to defend on their own their group project based on questions from the course lecturer.
Comments and feedback on project and defense will be given in class. Presentations will be recorded.
Further details regarding order of presentation, and logistics of defense will be available on the course Wattle site in week 1 in the group project assessment file.
Assessment type: Individual
Time limit: 20 minutes of presentation (group) followed by 2 minutes of defense per individual group member [time limit may change depending on class size)
Marking criteria: Rubrics will be made available on Wattle site at least two weeks prior to due date
Presentation and Defense date: 25.05.2023 from 18.00 to 21.00
Form of submission: PPT slides to be submitted on Wattle
Feedback: to be released with final course grades on 01.07.2023
Assessment Task 5
Learning Outcomes: 5,6,8
Peer evaluation (of group work and group project) - (5%)
This assessment task requires participants to evaluate their peers' contribution and quality of work to the group's works and project.
Assessment type: Individual
Due date: 06.06.2023
Form of submission: via Turnitin on the course Wattle site
Feedback: to be released with final course grades on 01.07.2023
Further details will be made available on the course Wattle site at least two weeks prior to due date
Assessment Task 6
Learning Outcomes: 8
Self-Reflective topical essay (2 x 10%)
The first self-reflective topical essay requires participants to reflect on their learning until then (why, what and how they learn) with regard to the topics covered. They will also be required to identify the challenges and opportunities still available to them for the remainder of the semester. Comments and feedback will be made available during the teaching break.
The second self-reflective topical essay requires participants to explain, discuss and reflect (through relevant evidence) on their achievement of the learning outcomes set for the course.
Comments on self-reflection after the release of results.
Assessment type: Individual
Word limit: 250 to 1000 words EXCLUDING List of References. Part of the reflection task in excess of 1000 words will not be read or marked.
Marking criteria: More details on the task requirements and rubrics for marking will be made available on the course Wattle site.
Due date: 31.03.2023 @23.55 , and 02.06.23 @23.55 via Turnitin
Form of submission: via Turnitin on the course Wattle site
Feedback: Within 2 weeks and after release of results on 01.07.2023, respectively
Further details will be made available on the course Wattle site at least two weeks prior to due date
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is a core part of the ANU culture as a community of scholars. The University’s students are an integral part of that community. The academic integrity principle commits all students to engage in academic work in ways that are consistent with, and actively support, academic integrity, and to uphold this commitment by behaving honestly, responsibly and ethically, and with respect and fairness, in scholarly practice.
The University expects all staff and students to be familiar with the academic integrity principle, the Academic Integrity Rule 2021, the Policy: Student Academic Integrity and Procedure: Student Academic Integrity, and to uphold high standards of academic integrity to ensure the quality and value of our qualifications.
The Academic Integrity Rule 2021 is a legal document that the University uses to promote academic integrity, and manage breaches of the academic integrity principle. The Policy and Procedure support the Rule by outlining overarching principles, responsibilities and processes. The Academic Integrity Rule 2021 commences on 1 December 2021 and applies to courses commencing on or after that date, as well as to research conduct occurring on or after that date. Prior to this, the Academic Misconduct Rule 2015 applies.
The University commits to assisting all students to understand how to engage in academic work in ways that are consistent with, and actively support academic integrity. All coursework students must complete the online Academic Integrity Module (Epigeum), and Higher Degree Research (HDR) students are required to complete research integrity training. The Academic Integrity website provides information about services available to assist students with their assignments, examinations and other learning activities, as well as understanding and upholding academic integrity.
Online Submission
You will be required to electronically sign a declaration as part of the submission of your assignment. Please keep a copy of the assignment for your records. Unless an exemption has been approved by the Associate Dean (Education) submission must be through Turnitin.
Hardcopy Submission
For some forms of assessment (hand written assignments, art works, laboratory notes, etc.) hard copy submission is appropriate when approved by the Associate Dean (Education). Hard copy submissions must utilise the Assignment Cover Sheet. Please keep a copy of tasks completed for your records.
Late Submission
Individual assessment tasks may or may not allow for late submission. Policy regarding late submission is detailed below:
- Late submission permitted. Late submission of assessment tasks without an extension are penalised at the rate of 5% of the possible marks available per working day or part thereof. Late submission of assessment tasks is not accepted after 10 working days after the due date, or on or after the date specified in the course outline for the return of the assessment item. Late submission is not accepted for take-home examinations.
All requests for extensions to assessment in RSM courses must be submitted to the RSM School Office with a completed application form and supporting documentation. The RSM Extension Application Form and further information on this process can be found at .
Referencing Requirements
The Academic Skills website has information to assist you with your writing and assessments. The website includes information about Academic Integrity including referencing requirements for different disciplines. There is also information on Plagiarism and different ways to use source material.
Returning Assignments
All assignments will be returned within a minimum turnaround of 2 weeks and include comments and feedback.
Extensions and Penalties
Extensions and late submission of assessment pieces are covered by the Student Assessment (Coursework) Policy and Procedure. Extensions may be granted for assessment pieces that are not examinations or take-home examinations. If you need an extension, you must request an extension in writing on or before the due date. If you have documented and appropriate medical evidence that demonstrates you were not able to request an extension on or before the due date, you may be able to request it after the due date.
Resubmission of Assignments
Resubmission of assignments is not permitted
Privacy Notice
The ANU has made a number of third party, online, databases available for students to use. Use of each online database is conditional on student end users first agreeing to the database licensor’s terms of service and/or privacy policy. Students should read these carefully. In some cases student end users will be required to register an account with the database licensor and submit personal information, including their: first name; last name; ANU email address; and other information.In cases where student end users are asked to submit ‘content’ to a database, such as an assignment or short answers, the database licensor may only use the student’s ‘content’ in accordance with the terms of service – including any (copyright) licence the student grants to the database licensor. Any personal information or content a student submits may be stored by the licensor, potentially offshore, and will be used to process the database service in accordance with the licensors terms of service and/or privacy policy.
If any student chooses not to agree to the database licensor’s terms of service or privacy policy, the student will not be able to access and use the database. In these circumstances students should contact their lecturer to enquire about alternative arrangements that are available.
Distribution of grades policy
Academic Quality Assurance Committee monitors the performance of students, including attrition, further study and employment rates and grade distribution, and College reports on quality assurance processes for assessment activities, including alignment with national and international disciplinary and interdisciplinary standards, as well as qualification type learning outcomes.
Since first semester 1994, ANU uses a grading scale for all courses. This grading scale is used by all academic areas of the University.
Support for students
The University offers students support through several different services. You may contact the services listed below directly or seek advice from your Course Convener, Student Administrators, or your College and Course representatives (if applicable).
- ANU Health, safety & wellbeing for medical services, counselling, mental health and spiritual support
- ANU Access and inclusion for students with a disability or ongoing or chronic illness
- ANU Dean of Students for confidential, impartial advice and help to resolve problems between students and the academic or administrative areas of the University
- ANU Academic Skills and Learning Centre supports you make your own decisions about how you learn and manage your workload.
- ANU Counselling Centre promotes, supports and enhances mental health and wellbeing within the University student community.
- ANUSA supports and represents undergraduate and ANU College students
- PARSA supports and represents postgraduate and research students
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Research InterestsPatrick is an Associate Professor in marketing with research interests in Tourism and Destination Marketing and Promotion, Country-of-origin, sustainable development goals and tourism development and Indigenous tourism development |
Dr Patrick L'Espoir Decosta
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Research Interests |
Dr Patrick L'Espoir Decosta
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