• Total units 48 Units
  • Areas of interest Music
  • Major code MUSC-MAJ

The Music major gives students the opportunity to pursue high-level studies in music. The key objective of the major is to develop students' deep and sophisticated understanding of one or more of the cultural, historical, theoretical, and analytical situation of music across a variety of cultures and historical periods. Students may also choose a focus on music education or music technology. The Music major allows sufficient specialisation for students to focus on a particular area – for instance musicology, ethnomusicology, theory and analysis – and gain a robust preparation for Honours and further research in that area. 

Learning Outcomes

  1. understand the languages, forms, materials, and techniques of a wide range of musics;

  2. recognise and reflect critically on social, cultural and ethical issues, and apply local and, international perspectives to practice in music;

  3. develop and evaluate musical, cultural, and artistic ideas, concepts and processes by thinking creatively, critically and reflectively, and through engaging with scholarship and research; and

  4. communicate sophisticated ideas, problems and arguments to do with music and the arts in modes suited to a range of audiences.

Relevant Degrees

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This major requires the completion of 48 units, which must include:

12 units from the completion of courses from the following list:

MUSI1109 Music from 1900 to the Present: A Century of Crisis and Change (6 units)

MUSI1110 Introduction to Music Technology (6 units)

MUSI1111 Composition Arranging and Sound Design 1 (6 units)

MUSI1112 Composition Arranging and Sound Design 2 (6 units)

MUSI1113 Introduction to Ethnomusicology (6 units)

MUSI1501 Aural Skills and Music Theory 1 (6 units)

MUSI1502 Aural Skills and Music Theory 2 (6 units)

MUSI1510 Materials of Music: Sound, Perception and Documentation (6 units)

A maximum of 30 units from the completion of courses from the following list:

INDG2002 Contemporary Australian Indigenous Music Studies (6 units)

MUSI2209 Music Recording and Production Techniques (6 units)

MUSI2211 Writing about Music 1: Styles and Theories (6 units)

MUSI2220 Music Ensemble (6 units)

MUSI2222 Music in the Long 19th Century: From Classicism to Modernism (6 units)

MUSI2225 Australian Music Culture Studies (6 units)

MUSI2226 Composition for Film and Video Games (6 units)

MUSI2227 Music, Sound and the Moving Image (6 units)

MUSI2503 Aural Skills and Music Theory 3 (6 units)

MUSI2504 Aural Skills and Music Theory 4 (6 units)

MUSI2507 Advanced Jazz Studies 1 (6 units)

MUSI2508 Advanced Jazz Studies 2 (6 units)

A minimum of 6 units from the completion of courses from the following list:

MUSI3309 - Music and Digital Media (6 units)

MUSI3310 - Music and Globalisation (6 units)

MUSI3313 - Writing about Music 2: Sources and Methods (6 units)

MUSI3317 - Popular Music: In Culture and in Context (6 units)

MUSI3318 - Sound Archiving (6 units)

MUSI3321 - Songwriting: concepts and craft (6 units)

12 units from completion of the following course(s):

Code Title Units
  MUSI 2218: Music and Meaning
  MUSI 1104: Turning Points Music History
  MUSI 1105: Music Theory & Aural Skills 1
  MUSI 1106: Music Theory & Aural Skills 2
  MUSI 1107: Music Practical Workshop 1
  MUSI 1108: Music Practical Workshop 2

36 units from completion of the following course(s):

Code Title Units
  FILM 2008: Film & Music
  MUSI 2203: Music Theory & Aural Skills 3
  MUSI 2204: Music Theory & Aural Skills 4
MUSI2205 Music Project 6
  MUSI 2206: Innovations in Music Teaching
  MUSI 2207: Instrumental Music Education
  MUSI 2208: Creative Music Technologies
MUSI2209 Music Recording and Production Techniques 6
MUSI2211 Writing about Music 1: Styles and Theories 6
  MUSI 2212: Music and Spirituality
  MUSI 2213: Indigenous Music and Media
  MUSI 2214: Music Research Project 1
  MUSI 2215: A History of Rock 'n' Roll
  MUSI 3303: Advanced Composition 1
  MUSI 3304: Advanced Composition 2
  MUSI 3305: Advanced Improvisation 1
  MUSI 3306: Advanced Improvisation 2
  MUSI 3307: Creative & Prof Music Proj 2
  MUSI 3308: Group Music Teaching
MUSI3309 Music and Digital Media 6
MUSI3310 Music and Globalisation 6
  MUSI 3311: Music and Politics
  MUSI 3312: Music Business, Managmt & Law
MUSI3313 Writing about Music 2: Sources and Methods 6
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