• Total units 48 Units
  • Areas of interest Human Rights
  • Major code HMRT-MAJ

This major introduces students to the theoretical frameworks, policy instruments, and cutting-edge debates in the field of international human rights. It helps students understand the evolution of human rights in its philosophical, historical, and political contexts, various policy tools and actors for the promotion and protection of human rights, the interplay between human rights theory and practice, and important country cases around the globe. This major is designed to provide students with a robust understanding of key issues relating to the study of human rights in the contemporary world.

Learning Outcomes

  1. identify, discuss and analyse the key moments, issues and debates in the emergence of the contested concept of human rights;

  2. identify and appraise the differing applications of human rights in theory, law and practice;
  3. explain and assess the major contemporary theoretical debates within the human rights discourse; and
  4. recognise and assess the intersection between theories of human rights and the application of human rights standards in practice.

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This major requires the completion of 48 units, which must include:

A maximum of 12 units of courses at 1000 level

A minimum of 6 units of courses at 3000 level

18 units from the completion of the following course(s):

HIST2112 - Plagues, Pandemics and Public Health in History (6 units)

HIST2238 - Human Rights in History (6 units)

POLS2113 - Human Rights (6 units)

POLS3035 - The Politics of International Law (6 units)

POLS3040 - Conflict and Change in Sub-Saharan Africa (6 units)

12 units from the completion of the following:

PHIL1004 - Fundamental Ideas in Philosophy: An Introduction (6 units)

POLS1002 - Introduction to Politics (6 units)

POLS1005 - Introduction to International Relations: Foundations and Concepts (6 units)

POLS1006 - Introduction to International Relations: Contemporary Global Issues (6 units)

6 units from the completion of the following:

SOCY2043 - Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods (6 units)

POLS2044 - Contemporary Political Analysis (6 units)

POLS3045 - Qualitative Methods in Political Science Research (6 units)

12 units from the completion of the following list:

ANTH2009 - Culture and Development (6 units)

ANTH2025 - Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective (6 units)

ANTH2129 - Crossing Borders: Migration, Identity and Livelihood (6 units)

ASIA2081 - Human Rights in Asia (6 units)

ENGL3037 - Literature, Law and Human Rights (6 units)

HIST2022 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander History (6 units)

HIST2133 - Race and Racism in Western Culture, c.1450–1950 (6 units)

HIST2226 - Nazi Germany (6 units)

HIST2228 - The Enlightenment: Europe and the World 1660-1800 (6 units)

HIST2232 - Crime and Justice: Historical Dilemmas (6 units)

INDG3001 - First Nations Peoples, the State and Public Policy in Australia (6 units)

PHIL2020 - Theories of Social Justice (6 units)

POLS2011 - Development and Change (6 units)

POLS2063 - Contemporary Political Theory (6 units)

POLS2095 - Politics in Latin America (6 units)

POLS2100 - Genocide in the Modern World (6 units)

POLS2101 - Refugee Politics: Displacement and Exclusion in the 20th and 21st Centuries (6 units)

POLS2119 - Ideas in Politics (6 units)

POLS2123 - Peace and Conflict Studies (6 units)

POLS3032 - The Politics of Empire (6 units)

SOCY2030 - Social Inequalities and Development (6 units)

SOCY2157 - Surveillance and Society (6 units)

18 units from completion of the following course(s):

Code Title Units
PHIL1004 Fundamental Ideas in Philosophy: An Introduction 6
POLS1005 Introduction to International Relations: Foundations and Concepts 6
POLS1006 Introduction to International Relations: Contemporary Global Issues 6

A minimum of 6 units must come from completion of courses from the following list:

Code Title Units
LAWS4225 International Law of Human Rights 6
POLS2113 Human Rights 6
  POLS 3028: Rsch & Writing Human Rights

A maximum of 24 units may come from completion of courses from the following list:

Code Title Units
ANTH2025 Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective 6
ANTH2009 Culture and Development 6
ANTH2129 Crossing Borders: Migration, Identity and Livelihood 6
  ASIA 1021: Understanding War and Conflict
  ASIA 1022: Peacebldg & Cnflct Resolution
  ASIA 2047: Human Security
  ASIA 2053: Civil Wars and Civil Peace
ASIA2081 Human Rights in Asia 6
  ENGL 2082: Literature and Human Rights
  GEND 2021: Trauma, Memory & Culture
HIST2022 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander History 6
HIST2133 Race and Racism in Western Culture, c.1450–1950 6
  HIST 2223: French Revolution & Napoleon
  HIST 2224: Colonialism, Sex, Race, Gender
HIST2226 Nazi Germany 6
HIST2228 The Enlightenment: Europe and the World 1660-1800 6
HIST2232 Crime and Justice: Historical Dilemmas 6
INDG3001 First Nations Peoples, the State and Public Policy in Australia 6
  INDG 3002: Indigenous Peoples & Developmt
LAWS4271 Refugee Law 6
PHIL2020 Theories of Social Justice 6
  PHIL 2065: Politics and Rights
  PHIL 2111: Global Citizens
PHIL2113 Global Justice 6
  POLS 2085: Gendered Pols of War
POLS2011 Development and Change 6
POLS2063 Contemporary Political Theory 6
  POLS 2064: Global Social Movements
  POLS 2096: Genocide Studies
  POLS 2099: Cartographies of Security
POLS2100 Genocide in the Modern World 6
POLS2101 Refugee Politics: Displacement and Exclusion in the 20th and 21st Centuries 6
  POLS 2109: The Politics of Empire
POLS2119 Ideas in Politics 6
  POLS 2115: Revolution!
POLS2123 Peace and Conflict Studies 6
SOCY2157 Surveillance and Society 6
SOCY2030 Social Inequalities and Development 6
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