• Class Number 7270
  • Term Code 3460
  • Class Info
  • Unit Value 6 units
  • Mode of Delivery In Person
    • Paul Ngo
    • Paul Ngo
  • Class Dates
  • Class Start Date 22/07/2024
  • Class End Date 25/10/2024
  • Census Date 31/08/2024
  • Last Date to Enrol 29/07/2024
SELT Survey Results

Rapid economic growth in most of Asia during recent decades has seen the emergence of large corporate enterprises which were organised in ways different from companies based in Western countries. This course discusses the evolution of Japanese, Korean and ethnic Chinese conglomerate enterprises and business networks. It introduces students to the particulars of corporate organisation and management of these enterprises, and elaborates the degree to which these help explain the success of Asian companies. Evolution and particulars of Asian business enterprise will be placed in the economic and social context of the countries where these companies originated.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion, students will have the knowledge and skills to:

  1. Define, explain and illustrate the drivers of rapid economic growth and development of Asian economies, industries and firms, and the issues confronted by firms doing business in Asia;
  2. Work well in diverse teams to deliver stated goals and outcomes;
  3. Research and critically analyse the issues confronted by firms doing business in Asia; and,
  4. Communicate effectively in oral and written forms about the diverse facets of Asia and how to do business in this part of the world, using appropriate concepts, logic and rhetorical conventions.

Research-Led Teaching

This course draws on the lecturer's experience with research into economic and business development in East and Southeast Asia. The lectures and reading in the course are closely related to this research or exemplify relevant research outcomes in the fields of economic development and international business of Asia. Research-led features of this course: (a) case presentation, which requires students to do some research to understand what happened since the case was published, (b) individual assignment that takes the form of an essay on a specified topic that students will research on the basis of relevant sources in the ANU library.

Field Trips

There are no field trips for this course.

Additional Course Costs

There are no additional class costs for this course.

Examination Material or equipment

There is a final examination for this course held during the end of semester examination period. All examination information will be communicated directly to students by the ANU Examinations Office. Further advice on the format and delivery of the final exam paper will be provided by the end of Week 10.

Required Resources

The required textbook for the course is: Hasegwa, Harukiyo and Witt, Michael A. (2019) Asian Business and Management: Theory, Practice and Perspectives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (3nd edition). This book is available from the campus bookshop. A hard copy of the textbook will be held in the ANU library reserve & short loan collection. The ANU library subscribes to a limited number of electronic versions of this text book (E-BOOK), accessible on campus or via Virtual ANU. Additional required reading will be specified on the Wattle page of the course, particularly the reading for the weekly 'Asian business in the news' tutorial discussion.

ANU students are very fortunate that the ANU library is well-stocked with books (both hard copy and e-resources with e-books) and journals that expand on the topics and themes that will be discussed in the lectures and in the course readings. You are encouraged to read widely, and you are expected to use these library sources to research your assignment. If the ANU library does not have an item, you are likely to find it in the National Library of Australia in Canberra. Here are some suggestions for further reading:

  • Carney, Michael (2008) Asian Business Groups: Context, Governance and Performance. Oxford: Chandos.
  • Chen, Min (2004) Asian Management Systems. London: Thomson Learning.
  • Hipsher, Scott A.; Hansanti, Songporn and Pomsuwan, Suthinan (2007) The Nature of Asian Firms: An Evolutionary Perspective. Oxford: Chandos.
  • Witt, Michael A. and Redding, Gordon eds. (2014) The Oxford Handbook of Asian Business Systems. Oxford: Oxford UP.

Staff Feedback

Students will be given feedback in the following forms in this course:

  • Written comments
  • Verbal comments
  • Feedback to the whole class, to groups, to individuals

Student Feedback

ANU is committed to the demonstration of educational excellence and regularly seeks feedback from students. Students are encouraged to offer feedback directly to their Course Convener or through their College and Course representatives (if applicable). The feedback given in these surveys is anonymous and provides the Colleges, University Education Committee and Academic Board with opportunities to recognise excellent teaching, and opportunities for improvement. The Surveys and Evaluation website provides more information on student surveys at ANU and reports on the feedback provided on ANU courses.

Other Information

All communications with students about the organisation and delivery of the course will take place during the weekly session and via the Wattle course page.

Class Schedule

Week/Session Summary of Activities Assessment
1 Week 1 - Two one-hour lectures and a one-hour tutorial on topics specified in the lecture and tutorial programs available on the Wattle page for the course. The lecture and tutorial programs are based on the chapter topics in the textbook and additional reading for the course (see below). Students enrol in a weekly interactive tutorial group via the course page on Wattle.Please note that this is a draft content, with lecture and reading content subject to change to bring learning contents up-to-date. This will be finalised by COB Friday, Week 1Tutorials start week 1. The tutorial discusses the first two lectures, the required reading, other requirements of the course, student expectations of the learning experience in the course. Teams of two students sign up for one weekly brief presentation on an 'Asian business in the news' topic that puts a current issue in the context of the weekly reading and lectures. The topics are specified in the lecture and tutorial programs available on the Wattle course page.
Indicative topics:
  1. Introduction
  2. Business Systems in Asia
Please note: Lectures and tutorials will be face-to-face. Lectures will be recorded and made accessible via the Wattle course page. Except the final exam, assessment will take place online via the Wattle course page and Turnitin.Please note that this is a draft content, with lecture and reading content subject to change to bring learning contents up-to-dateReadings: TBA
2 Week 2 - Two one-hour lectures, and a one-hour tutorial on topics specified in the lecture and tutorial program in on the Wattle course page. Students read items specified in the tutorial program on the Wattle course page.
During the tutorial, students (a) ask questions about this specified required reading and about the lectures, (b) discuss their prepared answers to review questions specified on the Wattle course page, (c) a team of two students presents the 'Asian Business in context' presentation and discuss the case involved. The weekly presentation topics are specified in the tutorial program on the Wattle course page.
Indicative topics:3. Cultural Differences across Asia4. Corporate Governance in Asia
Readings: TBADuring the tutorial: Tutorial activities, short case presentation in tutorial, and discussion of the presentation
3 Weeks 3 - Two one-hour lectures and a one-hour weekly tutorial. Students read items specified in the tutorial program on the Wattle course page.
Indicative topics:5. HRM in Asia6. Technological change and productivity in Asia
Readings: TBADuring the tutorial: Review questions, short case presentation in tutorial, and discussion of the presentation
4 Weeks 4 - Two one-hour lectures and a one-hour weekly tutorial. Students read items specified in the tutorial program on the Wattle course page.
Indicative topics:7. Business Groups in Asia8. Business Families in Asai
In addition to Week 4 tutorial activities, a 750 words Short Essay on a selected set topic is due on Friday 16 August 2024, 23:59pm online via Turnitin on Wattle.Readings: TBA
5 Weeks 5 - Two one-hour lectures and a one-hour weekly tutorial. Students read items specified in the tutorial program on the Wattle course page.
Indicative topics:9. FDI and MNEs in Asia10. Japanese MNEs & Intra-Asian FDIs
In addition to scheduled weekly lectures and tutorial, student complete and submit one 750-word individual submission. Topics, due date and time, and method of submission are specified on the Wattle course page
Readings: TBA
6 Weeks 6 - Two one-hour lectures and a one-hour weekly tutorial. Students read items specified in the tutorial program on the Wattle course page.
Indicative topics:11. Regional supply chains & Asian cooperation12. Asian economies after WWII
Readings: TBA
7 Weeks 7 - Two one-hour lectures and a one-hour weekly tutorial. Students read items specified in the tutorial program on the Wattle course page.
Indicative topics:13. Japan business system14. Japan management
Readings: TBA
8 Weeks 8 - Two one-hour lectures and a one-hour weekly tutorial. Students read items specified in the tutorial program on the Wattle course page.
Indicative topics:15. Korea business system16. Korea management17. Taiwan business system
Readings: TBA
9 Weeks 9 - Two one-hour lectures and a one-hour weekly tutorial. Students read items specified in the tutorial program on the Wattle course page.
Indicative topics:18. Malaysia business system19. Singapore business system
Readings: TBA
10 Week 10 - In addition to scheduled weekly lectures and tutorial, students complete and submit a 2,250-word individual assignment on one of several set topics. Topics, due date and time, and method of submission are specified on the Wattle course page.
Indicative topics:20. Southeast Asia business system21. Indonesia business system
In addition to Week 10 tutorial activities, a 2,250 words Major Essay on a selected set topic is due on Friday 11 October 2024, 23:59pm online via Turnitin on Wattle.Readings: TBA
11 Weeks 11 - Two one-hour lectures and a one-hour weekly tutorial. Students read items specified in the tutorial program on the Wattle course page.
Indicative topics:22. China Business system23. China Management24. Vietnam Business system
Readings: TBA
12 Weeks 12 - Two one-hour lectures and a one-hour weekly tutorial. Students read items specified in the tutorial program on the Wattle course page.
Indicative topics:25. India business system26. Wrap up and final exam
Readings: TBA
13 During the ANU final examination period, students sit a 2-hour written in-person exam. The format of the exam will be discussed with students during the week 10 tutorial. The time of the exam is set by the ANU Examinations Office, which will communicate the details to students. The time of the exam will also be announced on the Wattle page for the course. 2-hour written in-person exam during ANU final examination period in November 2024. The time of the final exam is set by ANU Examinations, which will communicate the details to students. The time and delivery of the exam will also be announced on the Wattle page for the course by week 10.

Tutorial Registration

ANU utilises MyTimetable to enable students to view the timetable for their enrolled courses, browse, then self-allocate to small teaching activities / tutorials so they can better plan their time. Find out more on the Timetable webpage.

This course has tutorials or tutorial-like teaching activities. Face-to-face tutorials will be organised on campus. Registration for tutorials will be via MyTimetable. Further details about the structure and teaching activities for this course will also be available on the Wattle page for the course by start of O Week.

Assessment Summary

Assessment task Value Due Date Return of assessment Learning Outcomes
Case presentation 'Asian business in context' (5%) 5 % * * 1,2,3,4,5
Tutorial participation (10%) 10 % * * 1,2,3,4,5
Short Essay - individual (15%) 15 % 16/08/2024 30/08/2024 1,2,3,4,5
Individual assignment (30%) 30 % 11/10/2024 01/11/2024 1,2,3,4,5
Final exam (individual) (40%) 40 % * 28/11/2024 1,2,3,4,5

* If the Due Date and Return of Assessment date are blank, see the Assessment Tab for specific Assessment Task details


ANU has educational policies, procedures and guidelines, which are designed to ensure that staff and students are aware of the University’s academic standards, and implement them. Students are expected to have read the Academic Misconduct Rule before the commencement of their course. Other key policies and guidelines include:

Assessment Requirements

The ANU is using Turnitin to enhance student citation and referencing techniques, and to assess assignment submissions as a component of the University's approach to managing Academic Integrity. For additional information regarding Turnitin please visit the ANU Online website Students may choose not to submit assessment items through Turnitin. In this instance you will be required to submit, alongside the assessment item itself, hard copies of all references included in the assessment item.

Moderation of Assessment

Marks that are allocated during Semester are to be considered provisional until formalised by the College examiners meeting at the end of each Semester. If appropriate, some moderation of marks might be applied prior to final results being released.


The course will be taught on campus, with F2F live lectures and tutorials.

Attendance at seminars, lectures, and tutorials, while not compulsory, is expected in line with "Code of Practice for Teaching and Learning," Clause 2 paragraph (b). Where students will not be able to attend a seminar, lecture and tutorial, they should advise the Convenor and discuss how to otherwise address the learning materials.


There is a required mid-semester test and a formal end of semester examination. See Assessment tasks 5 above. Details of the final examination will be communicated directly to students by the ANU Examinations Office in week 10 of the semester and will be available at https://exams.anu.edu.au/timetable/  Details will also be on the Wattle page for the course.

Assessment Task 1

Value: 5 %
Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,4,5

Case presentation 'Asian business in context' (5%)

Due Date:

Once during one of the 11 tutorial sessions during weeks 2-12.


A mark out of 5 (worth 5%), which is the same for each team member (unless there are extenuating circumstances which justify grade differences).

Suggested Length:

Maximum of 10 minutes, or ca. 800 words.

AI: the use of AI such as ChatGPT to generate your presentation is not allowed as it is akin to plagiarism. Students are required to demonstrate achievement of critical, analytical and synthesis skills in high quality works. 


During the week 1 tutorial, students volunteer in teams of 2 for one of the topics during the tutorials in weeks 2-12. Teams of 2 students complete reading specified in the

tutorial program on the Wattle course page. Every week during weeks 2-12 a team of 2 students delivers a short presentation that answers the set question. The presentation may be recorded for review purposes.

The presentation topics are available on Wattle in Week 1


Assesses students’ research and effective oral communication skills through demonstrating their understanding of a prescribed set of real-world cases in a collaborative setting.

Marking Criteria:

Assessment is based on the content of the presentation, and will be marked by the tutor.


Within 2 weeks of presentation.

Assessment Task 2

Value: 10 %
Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,4,5

Tutorial participation (10%)

Due Date:

Weekly during the 11 tutorial sessions in weeks 2-12.


A mark out of 10 (worth 10%)


a) Attend class – though much learning will be done outside the classroom, class time is a valuable, scarce resource. You are expected to arrive ready to begin class on time; to not leave until class is over; and to attend all classes. If for any special reason you are unable to meet these requirements, please talk to the course convenor about it.

b) Come prepared – it will be assumed that you have completed any assigned readings and prepared for the discussion questions prior to class.

c) Actively participate in the learning – we owe it to ourselves and our colleagues to participate as fully as possible in the class sessions.

In-class exercises to be submitted either in class or through Wattle may be part of the participation task.


To evaluate the issues and challenges related to business in Asia based on each week's relevant concepts and topics in a collaborative setting.

Marking Criteria:

This component is intended to evaluate the level and quality of your contribution to tutorial discussions, which should reflect your analytical and problem-solving skills. More specifically, it assesses your ability to understand situations and diagnose problems, and to recommend courses of action in relation to those situations and problems and to communicate your views effectively. You will receive your participation marks at the end of Week 12.

Assessment Task 3

Value: 15 %
Due Date: 16/08/2024
Return of Assessment: 30/08/2024
Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,4,5

Short Essay - individual (15%)

Due Date:

Tuesday 16th August 2024, 11:59pm


A mark out of 100 (worth 15% of final grade)

Maximum Length:

750 words (+/-10%), incl. all text, tables and figures, but excl. references, contents page and footnotes.

Any portion written above the word limit will not be read or marked


Students are required to write a short essay (maximum of 750 words +/-10%) that addresses one question from a set of questions given to students by the end of Week 2. The questions are focused on the themes covered from Week 1 to Week 4.

Your essay can be based on the information provided in the lecture, tutorial, and the case presentation relevant to the topic discussed; however, you are encouraged to research additional data, information, concepts, and evidence to strengthen your arguments. A separate FAQ about the short essay will be posted to Wattle.


To develop an understanding of relevant topics related to Asian business and apply them to industry settings.

Marking Criteria:

Marking criteria will be made available on Wattle.

Submission Details:

Assignments to be submitted via Turnitin. Presentation details will be further explained on Wattle.

AI USE: the use of AI such as ChatGPT to generate an essay or report is not allowed as it is akin to plagiarism. Students are required to demonstrate achievement of critical, analytical and synthesis skills in high quality works.

Extensions and Late submission:

Extensions for this assessment is permitted, in accordance to the procedures set out in the "Extension and Penalties" section and on Wattle.

Late submission is permitted, but will attract a 5% penalty per working day, up to 10 business days (excluding weekends and public holidays)


The Short Essay will be returned within 2 weeks of the due date.

Assessment Task 4

Value: 30 %
Due Date: 11/10/2024
Return of Assessment: 01/11/2024
Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,4,5

Individual assignment (30%)

Due Date:

Friday 11 October 2024, 11:59pm


A mark out of 20 (worth 25%)

Maximum Length:

2,250 words (+/-10%), incl. all text, tables and figures, but excl. references, contents page and footnotes. A penalty of 5% per extra 100 words will be applied to assignments exceeding the maximum length


Students select one of several set topics, read extensively to study the topic, write an essay that answers the relevant question. Further details, including the expected formatting of the essay document, are on the Wattle course page.

AI USE: the use of AI such as ChatGPT to generate an essay or report is not allowed as it is akin to plagiarism. Students are required to demonstrate achievement of critical, analytical and synthesis skills in high quality works.


To foster deeper learning of relevant topics related to Asian business and apply them to industry settings.

Marking Criteria:

Marking criteria will be made available on Wattle

Submission / Presentation Details:

Assignments to be submitted via Turnitin. Presentation details will be further explained on Wattle

Extensions and Late submission:

Extensions for this assessment is permitted, in accordance to the procedures set out in the "Extension and Penalties" section and on Wattle.

Late submission is permitted, but will attract a 5% penalty per working day, up to 10 business days (excluding weekends and public holidays)


Within 3 weeks of submission date

Assessment Task 5

Value: 40 %
Return of Assessment: 28/11/2024
Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,4,5

Final exam (individual) (40%)

Due Date:

TBA (during ANU final exam period in November 2024). Students will be advised of the time via the ANU examination timetable online. Further advice on the examination

will be made available on the Wattle page of the course at least 2 weeks before the examination period. The format of the exam paper will be discussed with students in week 10. The exam is going to be in-person and on-campus.


Based on the nature and the marks/weights of the questions. The total exam score will be worth 40%.

Maximum Length:

Format of the two-hour written exam will be discussed in the week 12 tutorial.


Covers all material discussed during the lectures and tutorial sessions, contained in the textbook and any distributed additional reading throughout the semester. More information on examination will be made available on Wattle at least 2 weeks before the examination period.


To assess your knowledge of the Asian business environment and an opportunity to demonstrate the skills developed throughout of the semester

Marking Criteria:

Complete, correct, accurate answers covering all parts of the question, and illustrated with figures, data, examples as appropriate will be the main assessment criteria

Submission/Presentation Details:

Permitted materials: to be communicated by ANU Examinations Office and Course Convenor before end of Week 10. If students are not able to attend the exam due to illness or other extenuating circumstances, they must apply to sit a deferred exam by submitting the application form for deferred assessment and provide documented evidence.


With return of final grades.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is a core part of our culture as a community of scholars. At its heart, academic integrity is about behaving ethically. This means that all members of the community commit to honest and responsible scholarly practice and to upholding these values with respect and fairness. The Australian National University commits to embedding the values of academic integrity in our teaching and learning. We ensure that all members of our community understand how to engage in academic work in ways that are consistent with, and actively support academic integrity. The ANU expects staff and students to uphold high standards of academic integrity and act ethically and honestly, to ensure the quality and value of the qualification that you will graduate with. The University has policies and procedures in place to promote academic integrity and manage academic misconduct. Visit the following Academic honesty & plagiarism website for more information about academic integrity and what the ANU considers academic misconduct. The ANU offers a number of services to assist students with their assignments, examinations, and other learning activities. The Academic Skills and Learning Centre offers a number of workshops and seminars that you may find useful for your studies.

Online Submission

The ANU uses Turnitin to enhance student citation and referencing techniques, and to assess assignment submissions as a component of the University's approach to managing Academic Integrity. While the use of Turnitin is not mandatory, the ANU highly recommends Turnitin is used by both teaching staff and students. For additional information regarding Turnitin please visit the ANU Turnitin website.

Hardcopy Submission

For some forms of assessment (hand written assignments, art works, laboratory notes, etc.) hard copy submission is appropriate when approved by the Associate Dean (Education). Hard copy submissions must utilise the Assignment Cover Sheet used by the ANU Research School of Management (RSM). Please keep a copy of tasks completed for your records.

Late Submission

Late submission of assessment tasks without an extension are penalised at the rate of 5% of the possible marks available per working day or part thereof. Late submission of assessment tasks is not accepted after 10 working days after the due date, or on or after the date specified in the course outline for the return of the assessment item. Late submission is not accepted for take-home examinations.

All requests for extensions to assessment in RSM courses must be submitted through the CBE extension request portal: CBE Assessment Extension Request Form. Further information on this process can be found at https://rsm.anu.edu.au/study/students/extension-application-procedure

Referencing Requirements

Accepted academic practice for referencing sources that you use in presentations can be found via the links on the Wattle site, under the file named “ANU and College Policies, Program Information, Student Support Services and Assessment”. Alternatively, you can seek help through the Students Learning Development website.

Returning Assignments

See the descriptions of assessment tasks.

Extensions and Penalties

Extensions and late submission of assessment pieces are covered by the Student Assessment (Coursework) Policy and Procedure The Course Convener may grant extensions for assessment pieces that are not examinations or take-home examinations. If you need an extension, you must request an extension in writing on or before the due date. If you have documented and appropriate medical evidence that demonstrates you were not able to request an extension on or before the due date, you may be able to request it after the due date.

Resubmission of Assignments

Unless specified otherwise in the assignments requirements, resubmissions are permitted up until the due date and time, but not allowed afterwards.

Privacy Notice

The ANU has made a number of third party, online, databases available for students to use. Use of each online database is conditional on student end users first agreeing to the database licensor’s terms of service and/or privacy policy. Students should read these carefully. In some cases student end users will be required to register an account with the database licensor and submit personal information, including their: first name; last name; ANU email address; and other information. In cases where student end users are asked to submit ‘content’ to a database, such as an assignment or short answers, the database licensor may only use the student’s ‘content’ in accordance with the terms of service — including any (copyright) licence the student grants to the database licensor. Any personal information or content a student submits may be stored by the licensor, potentially offshore, and will be used to process the database service in accordance with the licensors terms of service and/or privacy policy. If any student chooses not to agree to the database licensor’s terms of service or privacy policy, the student will not be able to access and use the database. In these circumstances students should contact their lecturer to enquire about alternative arrangements that are available.

Distribution of grades policy

Academic Quality Assurance Committee monitors the performance of students, including attrition, further study and employment rates and grade distribution, and College reports on quality assurance processes for assessment activities, including alignment with national and international disciplinary and interdisciplinary standards, as well as qualification type learning outcomes. Since first semester 1994, ANU uses a grading scale for all courses. This grading scale is used by all academic areas of the University.

Support for students

The University offers students support through several different services. You may contact the services listed below directly or seek advice from your Course Convener, Student Administrators, or your College and Course representatives (if applicable).
Paul Ngo

Research Interests

Paul Ngo

Monday 11:00 12:00
Monday 11:00 12:00
By Appointment
Paul Ngo

Research Interests

Paul Ngo

Monday 11:00 12:00
Monday 11:00 12:00
By Appointment

Responsible Officer: Registrar, Student Administration / Page Contact: Website Administrator / Frequently Asked Questions