• Total units 48 Units
  • Areas of interest Contemporary Europe
  • Major code EURO-MAJ

After centuries of conflict, Europe has recently regained a unity not seen since the Roman Empire with the European Union being the most advanced form of supranational government on the planet. Although Europe no longer dominates the globe through its extensive empires, Europe’s global impact lives on in philosophical ideas, literary traditions and practices of government.

The Contemporary Europe major will allow you to integrate diverse interests under one field of enquiry. Studying Contemporary Europe is a perfect way to combine international relations, politics, history, sociology, philosophy, literature and cultural studies, as well as being an ideal accompaniment to those learning European languages.

Learning Outcomes

  1. analyse Europe as a cultural, geographical and political concept;
  2. assess the political, social, economic and cultural legacies of Europe's past;
  3. explain the main challenges facing Europe and the EU at the beginning of the twenty-first century and into the future;
  4. recognise and reflect on the relationships between European cultures, art and traditions, and the social and political history and institutions of contemporary Europe; and
  5. evaluate recent developments in European cooperation and unity and contrast these to continuing cultural and political tensions.
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This major requires the completion of 48 units, which must include:

A maximum of 12 units of courses at 1000 level

A minimum of 6 units of courses at 3000 level


18 units from the completion of the following course(s):

EURO1004 - Europe in the Modern Era (6 units)

EURO2012 - Uniting Europe: History, Politics, Theory (6 units)

EURO3002 - Comparative European Politics (6 units)

HIST2136 - World at War, 1939-1945 (6 units) OR HIST2141 - The Cold War: 1945-1989 (6 units)

6 units from the completion of the following course(s):

PHIL1004 - Fundamental Ideas in Philosophy: An Introduction (6 units)

POLS1005 - Introduction to International Relations: Foundations and Concepts (6 units)

SOCY1002 - Self and Society (6 units)

24 units from the completion of the following course(s):

BUSI2034 - Dynamics of European Business (6 units)

HIST1209 - Terror to Terrorism: A History (6 units)

HIST2226 - Nazi Germany (6 units)

HIST2240 - Democracy and Dissent: Europe Since 1945 (6 units)

HIST2242 - The Soviet Union: From the Russian Revolution to the Collapse of Communism (6 units)

HIST2205 - Europe and the Atlantic World (6 units)

HIST2221 - The Birth of Modernity: Britain 1688-1848 (6 units)

HIST2228 - The Enlightenment: Europe and the World 1660-1800 (6 units)

MEAS2001 - New States of Eurasia: Emerging Issues in Politics and Security (6 units)

MEAS2003 - Modern Turkey: History, Society and Culture (6 units)

PHIL2087 - Nietzsche (6 units)

POLS2069 - Politics in Russia (6 units)

POLS2126 - Democracy and Dictatorship (6 units)

POLS3029 - Federalism in Comparative Perspective (6 units)

POLS3032 - Politics of Empire (6 units) 

POLS3039 - Political Leadership and Executive Government (6 units) 

18 units from completion of the following course(s):

Code Title Units
EURO1004 Europe in the Modern Era 6
  EURO 2003: European Union
  EURO 3001: Uniting Europe
  HIST 2140: Europe in the 20th Century

6 units from completion of the following course(s):

Code Title Units
PHIL1004 Fundamental Ideas in Philosophy: An Introduction 6
POLS1005 Introduction to International Relations Foundations and Concepts 6
SOCY1002 Self and Society 6

24 units from completion of the following course(s):

Code Title Units
BUSI2034 Dynamics of European Business 6
  ENGL2101: Mod Europ Theatre
  FILM 2003: European Cinemas Societ
  FILM 2004: Postwar Euro Cinemas
  FILM 2009: Postwar Ital Cinema
  FREN 2014: Ideol Issues Fifth Rep
  GERM 2020: Postwar German Soc
  GERM 3046: German Cinema
HIST2136 World at War, 1939-1945 6
HIST2141 The Cold War: 1945-1989 6
HIST2214 The Great War. The Conflict that Changed the World. 6
  ITAL 2011: Italian flair:
  ITAL 3010: Pols Cult Soc Post Italy
  LING 2022: Language Policy
MEAS2001 New States of Eurasia: Emerging Issues in Politics and Security 6
  MEAS 2002: Turkish History
MEAS2003 Modern Turkey: History, Society and Culture 6
  PHIL 2059: Love Death Freedom
  PHIL 2064: Theories of Ethics
PHIL2087 Nietzsche 6
  POLS 2061: Classical Marxism
  POLS 2064: Global Social Movements
POLS2069 Politics in Russia 6
  POLS 2076: Frankfurt School
  POLS 2115: Revolution!
  SOCY 2055: Soc Inequality in Comp Persp
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