Students who complete this minor will have a strong appreciation of how current economic theory and models developed over time. Students will deepen their understanding of the role of the economy in historical events. They will be able to analyse historical and contemporary data using modern empirical techniques in order to evaluate policy effectiveness.
Learning Outcomes
demonstrate an understanding of how current economic theory and models developed over the last 200 years;
know how the economy has affected history
be able to take historical or current data and use it to evaluate the effects of past and current economic policies.
This minor requires the completion of 24 units, which must include:
24 units from the completion of the following course(s):
ECHI1006 - The Australian Economy: Past and Present
ECHI3009 - World Economy Since 1800
ECON2900 - Development Poverty and Famine
ECON2108 - Japanese Economy and Economic Policy
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