• Total units 48 Units
  • Areas of interest Australian Indigenous Studies
  • Specialisation code AINS-HSPC

The AINS-HSPC specialisation won't be offered in 2025

The Australian Indigenous Studies Honours Specialisation allows students to advance of their knowledge of methods, methodologies and theoretical concepts relevant to Australian Indigenous Studies and develop insight into Indigenous perspectives on research. Students will design and implement a research project - typically a thesis of up to 20,000 words - and complete relevant courses in research methods, methodologies and theories to support that research project, that allow students develop new insight into or solutions to complex problems.

Learning Outcomes

  1. pose a significant research question relating to Australian Indigenous Studies;

  2. investigate this question creatively, critically, ethically, and independently, including through sophisticated use of appropriate theory and methodology as appropriate to Australian Indigenous Studies, and place these investigations in the context of the relevant intellectual tradition;

  3. develop insight into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples' and other Indigenous peoples' perspectives on research theory and practice; and

  4. communicate their research and its findings through an appropriate medium.

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Admission Requirements

1. A major or equivalent in one of the following either:

(a) Australian Indigenous Studies or,

(b) subject to the approval of the specialisation convener, another major or equivalent and the student is able to demonstrate a competence, capability and a special interest in Australian Indigenous knowledge, perspectives and rights.

2. The written approval of an identified supervisor for the thesis and the convener of AINS-HSPC.

Cognate Disciplines

Australian Indigenous Studies is often interdisciplinary, and for this reason it is available to students from all disciplines.


This Honours Specialisation requires the completion of 48 units, which must consist of:

36 units from the completion of the following course(s):

THES4102 - Thesis (24 units)

INDG4001 Indigenous Perspectives on Research Methods, Methodologies and Theories (12 units)

Complete 12 units from the following course(s):

ANTH4011 - History of Anthropological Theory (12 units)

ANTH4012 - Theory and Ethnography in the Analysis of Cultures (12 units)

SOCY4009 - Sociology Honours Theory Seminar (12 units)

SOCY4010 - Sociology Honours Methods Seminar (12 units)

POLS4011 - Research Training: Scope and Methods (12 units)

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