A postgraduate degree allows you to go deeper in a known field or explore new areas of interest.

Bachelor of International Relations

A single three year undergraduate award offered by the ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences

Bachelor of International Relations

3 Years 144 Units BIR

Study plan and program details

Can you see yourself jet-setting the globe with a career in analytics, trade, foreign affairs, journalism, international business or research? You have found the right degree. ANU is a leader in the field of International Relations. The Bachelor of International Relations will give you world-class training in International Relations, providing the skills and background you need to understand the complex and exciting world of international affairs. Our program:

  • provides an overview of the historical and intellectual background of international relations which focuses on the interaction of state and non-state actors globally across many dimensions – cultural, economic, environmental, and military to name a few;
  • gives you an in-depth understanding of contemporary debates and challenges in international relations, as well as hands-on experience in policy analysis and data literacy which will prove highly useful in the workplace of tomorrow; and
  • offers opportunities to study more specialised topics such as geopolitics and great power rivalry, international organisations, empire, terrorism, and human rights.

Bachelor of International Relations students can pursue many additional options, including language study, going on exchange or doing an international/national internship.

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