A postgraduate degree allows you to go deeper in a known field or explore new areas of interest.

Bachelor of Music

A single three year undergraduate award offered by the ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences

Bachelor of Music

3 Years 144 Units BMUSI

Study plan and program details

The ANU Bachelor of Music nurtures outstanding musical artistry through the intersection of performance, composition, and music recording. We believe that discovery lies at the heart of both creativity and excellence. Our program fosters artistry through offering a diversity of musical experiences in an environment that encourages excellence, passion and entrepreneurship. It provides students with a unique 21st Century musical experience which includes the opportunity to specialise in music performance, composition, or contemporary music production, while making sure students have enough flexibility to experiment and explore their own complex musical identity and practice. Our program supports students in preparing for dynamic and multifaceted successful careers as music professionals and outstanding contributors to the local, national, and global community, as musically-informed citizens and leaders.

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