A research degree allows you to work at the forefront of your field and address the challenges facing Australia and the world.

Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)

A single four year undergraduate award offered by the ANU College of Science and Medicine

Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)

4 Years 192 Units APSYC

Study plan and program details

This program is not available for admission in 2026. Alternative programs offering similar opportunities are available such as the Bachelor of Science (Psychology), Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts. Interested students can email students.cos@anu.edu.au for advice.

Decode the puzzle of the human brain with the Bachelor of Psychology (Honours).

This degree will allow you to explore both the research and applied components of psychology, with the opportunity to specialise in an area of interest when completing Honours in your fourth year.

This program is suited to those who intend to complete a postgraduate qualification in psychology and pursue a career as a clinical psychologist.

Find out more about psychology, the degree structure, the university experience, career opportunities and student stories on our website.

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Applications for internal degree transfers will not be available for Semester 1 and Semester 2 2025

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