• Total units 48 Units
  • Areas of interest Cultural Studies, History, Asian Studies, Asia Pacific Studies, Politics
  • Major code AHIST-MAJ

The Asian History major offers a suite of courses covering developments in a wide range of Asian societies from early times to the recent past. The major provides students with grounding in the course of history in a variety of Asian societies and it builds an empirical basis for the comparative analysis of historical and contemporary developments in Asia and the rest of the world. The major trains students in techniques of source criticism and document analysis, instructs them in the marshalling of evidence for the development of analysis and argument, develops their skills in narrative analysis and in critically applying social science theory to past societies that differ greatly from the western context in which most such theories were developed. The major assists them to analyse the social and cultural context to which history writing and historical memory are put and develops an understanding of the historical traditions of Asian societies.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand historical forces that have shaped Asian states and societies.
  2. Develop and apply critical thinking skills to understand the regional and global significance of historical events and developments in Asia and the Pacific.
  3. Identify and critique the uses that are made of history in contemporary Asian societies.
  4. Understand the techniques that historians use to develop understandings of the past and the meaning of the past to different social groups.
  5. Construct coherent arguments based on evidence drawn from the past.
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The Asian History Major requires the completion of 48 units, which must include

18 units from the following compulsory courses

ASIA2307 History of Empire in Asia

ASIA3029 Reconciliation and the Memory of Conflict in Asia

HIST2110 Approaches to History

A minimum of 12 units from the following advanced courses:

ASIA3011 Samurai Society and Social Control in Japan

ASIA3033 Rethinking Northeast Asia

ASIA3088 The Korean War

ASIA3272 Truth and Falsity in Indian History and Politics

HIST3007 Making History

MEAS3006 Turkish History: Ottoman State to Modern Turkey

A maximum of 18 units from the following issues courses

ASIA1999 The Origins of Political Order in Asia 

ASIA2006 Gender in Korean History 

ASIA2009 The Making of Modern Japan: From Samurai to Economic Superpower and Beyond

ASIA2016 The Mongol Empire in World History

ASIA2017 History of International Relations in Northeast Asia

ASIA2037 History of Modern China

ASIA2039 Burma/Myanmar - a Country in Crisis

ASIA2040 The Making of Modern Korea

ASIA2041 Mainland Southeast Asia: Colonial and Postcolonial Predicaments

ASIA2044 Chinese History: The Imperial Period (221 BC - 1800)

ASIA2049 Politics and Society in Contemporary Korea

ASIA2054 Chinese Philosophy: Creation and Development

ASIA2167 Borders and their Transgressions in Mainland Southeast Asia

ASIA2270 India Past and Present: The impact of pre-colonial history on India today

ASIA2271 The Making of South Asia

ASIA2301 Human Migration and Expansion in the Rise of the Asia-Pacific

ASIA2308 Linguistic Histories in Asia and the Pacific

ASIA2516 Indonesia: Politics, Society and Development

ASIA5920 Semester in Asia (6 units only)

HIST2136 World at War, 1939-1945

HIST2141 The Cold War: 1945-1989

MEAS2000 Iranian History and Culture

MEAS2003 Modern Turkey: History, Politics and Culture

WARS2004 War in the Islands: The Second World War in the Pacific

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