• Total units 48 Units
  • Areas of interest Chemistry, Science, Biology, Biotechnology
  • Major code BCHM-MAJ

Biochemistry is a scientific discipline that combines biological and chemical concepts and methods. It is focused on the understanding of molecules that are relevant to biological processes. These can be small molecules that form part of metabolic pathways, chemical compounds that bind to biological molecules and macromolecules such as DNA, RNA and proteins. Biochemistry as a discipline investigates the structure and function of these molecules either in isolation or in a cellular context. Biochemists generate and modify molecules to understand their function and design molecules with novel properties.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Combine chemical and biological concepts to understand the structure and function of molecules that are relevant to biological processes.
  2. Integrate chemical and biological concepts and ideas to solve problems of a biochemical nature.
  3. Have well developed laboratory based skills in methods that investigate biomolecules.
  4. Undertake appropriate risk assessments and use biochemicals in a safe manner.
  5. Use software and instrumentation for the acquisition, processing and analysis of biochemical data.
  6. Access relevant biochemical literature and use it to present well constructed arguments based on sound biochemical reasoning.
  7. Perform both collaborative and independent research in a professional manner.
  8. Communicate biochemical concepts clearly and accurately to an expert or a non-expert audience.
  9. Recognize the interdisciplinary nature of biochemistry and its underlying significance in other areas of science, such as medicine.
  10. Demonstrate an understanding of the ethical and social dimensions of practising biochemistry.

Other Information

Which courses should you take in first year?

This major will require you to complete the following 1000-level courses:

  • BIOL1003 Biology 1: Evolution, Ecology and Genetics (prerequisite for most 2000 and 3000 level BIOL courses)
  • BIOL1004 Biology 2: Molecular and Cell Biology (prerequisite for most 2000 and 3000 level BIOL courses)
  • CHEM1101 Chemistry 1 (prerequisite for all 2000- and 3000- level CHEM courses and most 2000 and 3000 level BIOL courses)
  • CHEM1201 Chemistry 2 (prerequisite for all 2000- and 3000- level CHEM courses and most 2000 and 3000 level BIOL courses)

Additional advice:

  • BIOL2202 is the recommended course from the Quantitative Skills list.
  • For students taking BIOL3023, BIOL3208, BIOL3209 of CHEM3060 as part of this major, the research project must be in the field of Biochemistry.

Courses in this major that will contribute towards satisfying the transdisciplinary problem-solving course requirements of your undergraduate degree:

  • BIOL3188 ANU SynBio Challenge Team Project (6 units)

Academic or enrolment advice:

Students can seek further advice from the academic contact for this major (details above), or the College of Science Student Services Team (students.cos@anu.edu.au)

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Courses marked with an asterisk (*) have 1000-level prerequisites which must be selected in the first year of study and will contribute towards satisfying the 1000-level course requirements of the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (Honours).

  • BIOL1003 Biology 1: Evolution, Ecology and Genetics (prerequisite for most 2000 and 3000 level BIOL courses)
  • BIOL1004 Biology 2: Molecular and Cell Biology (prerequisite for BIOL2171 and most 2000-3000 level BIOL courses)
  • CHEM1101 Chemistry 1 (prerequisite for CHEM1201 and all 2000 and 3000 level CHEM courses)
  • CHEM1201 Chemistry 2 (prerequisite for CHEM2211 and most 2000 and 3000 level CHEM courses)

This major requires the completion of 48 units from the courses listed below, which must include:

12 units from the completion of the following courses:

*BIOL2171 Biochemistry and Nutrition (6 units)

*CHEM2211 Chemical Biology 1 (6 units)

6 units from completion of a course from the following list:

*BIOL2161 Genes: Replication and Expression (6 units)

*BIOL2162 Molecular Gene Technology (6 units)

*CHEM2208 Chemical Biology 2 (6 units)

6 units from the completion of a Quantitative Skills course from the following list:

*BIOL2001 Introduction to Quantitative Biology (6 units)

*BIOL2202 Experimental Design and Analysis in Biology (6 units)

24 units from completion of courses from the following list, of which a maximum of 12 units can come from special topics/research project courses (BIOL3023, BIOL3208, BIOL3209 or CHEM3060) in which the project/topic must be in the field of Biochemistry:

BIOL3023 Special Topics in Biology (6 units)

BIOL3107 Advances in Medical and Plant Biochemistry (6 units)

BIOL3188 ANU SynBio Challenge Team Project (6 units)

BIOL3208 Biology Research Project (6 units)

BIOL3209 Biology Research Project (12 units)

CHEM3060 Research Project in Chemistry (6 units)

CHEM3204 Structural Methods in Chemical Biology (6 units)

CHEM3207 Current Topics in Chemical Biology (6 units)

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