• Total units 48 Units
  • Areas of interest Computer Science
  • Major code CSCI-MAJ

Computer Science is the study of information and computation of algorithms, data and computing systems which accept, store, transform and present data in ways that contribute to knowledge and the well-being of society.

In the Computer Science major you will learn the underlying principles and theory used in developing computational solutions to problems including a study of data structures, algorithms, and programming languages and their use in translating solutions into software systems. Within the Computer Science major, you can choose to specialise in modern fields of computer science and software development, including artificial intelligence, computational theory, computer systems, human-centric computing, and information-intensive computing.

By completing the major, you will develop a deep understanding of software development, software systems or computer science theory, with many applications to fields in Science or further studies in Computer Science. There are also excellent career opportunities for graduates with these backgrounds in business, industry and government as programmers, systems analysts, computer systems and network managers, user support officers and software engineers.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand the basic principles and theory used in developing computational solutions to problems. These include the ability to use formal notations and the use of the principle of abstraction.
  2. Apply a range of skills to analyse problems and construct a reliable computational solution. This includes the identification of requirements, separation of concerns, and testing.
  3. Understand the connections between computing and other disciplines, and recognize computational ideas embedded in other contexts.
  4. Apply independent learning and reasoning in the computing discipline; this includes an awareness of current research issues. This is done through reading of textbooks, papers and and electronic resources.
  5. Work in both independent and collaborative ways with others; relate professional and disciplinary information and ideas to diverse audiences in effective and appropriate ways; but at the same time be responsible for individual work and aware of plagiarism issues.
  6. Apply in-depth knowledge and competencies in advanced areas of the computing discipline.

Other Information

Which courses should you take in first year?

This major will require you to complete the following 1000-level courses:

Additional Advice:

  • You will need to enrol in any 1000 level MATH course (with the exception of MATH1042). Students desiring a more scientifically oriented first programming course may take COMP1730 instead of COMP1100 but COMP1100 is preferable. Students desiring more advanced study of algorithms and data structures should consider taking COMP1130 and COMP1140 instead of COMP1100 and COMP1110.
  • Students wishing to concentrate their studies in Computer Systems should take COMP2300 instead of COMP2100.
  • Suggested themed enrolment patterns for the remaining four courses of the major include:
  • Artificial Intelligence: COMP3620 Artificial Intelligence; COMP2620 Logic
  • Computational Theory: COMP3600 Algorithms and COMP3630 Theory of Computation and any two courses from COMP2310 Systems, Networks and Concurrency, COMP2610 Information Theory, COMP2620 Logic, COMP3610 Principles of Programming Languages
  • Computer Systems: COMP2310 Systems, Networks and Concurrency; and any three courses from COMP3300 Computer Networks, COMP3310 Operating Systems, COMP3320 High Performance Scientific Computation, COMP3610 Principles of Programming Languages
  • Human-Centric Computing: COMP3540 Game Development, COMP3900 Human-Computer Interaction, .
  • Information-intensive Computing: COMP2400 Relational Databases, COMP3425 Data Mining, COMP3430 Data Wrangling
  • Software Development: COMP2120 Software Engineering, COMP3500 Software Engineering Project, COMP3600 Algorithms, COMP3900 Human-Computer Interaction and COMP3120 Managing Software Development.

Academic or enrolment advice:

Students can seek further advice from the academic contact for this major (details above), or the College of Science Student Services Team (students.cos@anu.edu.au).

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Courses marked with an asterisk (*) have 1000-level prerequisites which must be selected in the first year of study and will contribute towards satisfying the 1000-level course requirements of the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (Honours).

Please check individual courses for details however the courses listed below will cover most 1000-level requirements for 2000-3000- level courses listed in this major.

This major requires the completion of 48 units, which must include:

6 units from the completion of a course from the following list:

*COMP2100 Software Construction (6 units)

*COMP2300 Computer Organisation and Program Execution (6 units)

A maximum of 18 units from the completion of courses from the following list:

*2000 level Computer Science (COMP) courses

A minimum of 18 units must come from completion of courses from the following list:

3000 level Computer Science (COMP) courses

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