• Total units 24 Units
  • Areas of interest English
  • Minor code ENGL-MIN

The English minor at the ANU offers a wide range of courses reflecting the diversity of the discipline of literary studies in English. There are courses in all the main fields of post-medieval British literary studies from the late sixteenth century to the present day, including the Early Modern, Restoration and Eighteenth-Century, Romantic and Victorian, Modern and Contemporary periods. There are courses in Australian, US, postcolonial and transnational literatures in English; in literary and cultural theory; in drama, film, new media, and creative writing. English 1000 level-courses introduce students to major genres and modes of writing and to literary-critical practice. English 2000/3000 level courses enable students to broaden and develop their knowledge and enjoyment of literature in a variety of important specialist fields.

Learning Outcomes

  1. analyse texts by diverse authors and in different genres in several important fields of literary studies in English;
  2. evaluate the historical and cultural contexts in which literature in English has been written and shaped;
  3. analyse literary texts in relation to these contexts; and
  4. interpret, evaluate and make an argument about texts using appropriate written expression.
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The English Minor requires the completion of 24 units, which must include:

12 units from the completion of the following course(s):

ENGL1100 - Secrets and Lies: Literature and the Self

ENGL1200 - Imagined Worlds

12 units from the completion of the following course(s):

ENGL2015 - Creative Writing

ENGL2020 - Texts in Performance

ENGL2022 - Jane Austen: History and Fiction

ENGL2023 - Feeling Bad in Contemporary Literature

ENGL2040 -The Making of Literature: Topics in Literary Production and Reception

ENGL2067 - Adaptation: From Text to Screen

ENGL2068 - Empire: The Black Atlantic and Colonial Romanticism

ENGL2077 - Creative Writing 2: Story to Script to Performance

ENGL2085 - Strange Home: Rethinking Australian Literature

ENGL2087 - Reality Effects: Truth, Representation and Narrative Form

ENGL2111 - Imaginary Journeys: Writing Travel in Australian Literature and Film

ENGL2116 - Televisual: Investigating Narrative Television

ENGL2222 - Great Writers: Special Topics in Gender, Authorship and History

ENGL2230 - Poetry and Poetics

ENGL2789 - Writing Climate

ENGL3005 - Early Modern to Eighteenth Century Literature

ENGL3008 - Theories and Methodologies for Literary Studies

ENGL3021 - American Literature: Nature, Retreat, Experiment

ENGL3022 - Literature and Modernity

ENGL3036 - Victorian Literature

ENGL3037 - Literature, Law and Human Rights

ENGL3078 - Advanced Creative Writing: Genre and Literary Value

ENGL3100 - English Capstone: Understanding, Communicating, Creating

GEND3016 - Writing Lives: Autobiography in Fiction and Memoir

LING2020 - Structure of English

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