single degree

Master of Social Research

A single two year graduate award offered by the ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences and ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences XX

  • Length 2 year full-time
  • Minimum 96 Units
  • Length 2 year full-time
  • Minimum 96 Units

Program Requirements

The Master of Social Research requires the completion of 96 units, of which:

96 units must come from 6000-level, 7000-level and 8000-level courses

A minimum of 48 units must come from completion of 8000-level courses

The 96 units must consist of:

24 units from completion of the following Introductory Methods courses:

SOCR8001    Statistics for Social Scientists
SOCR8082    Social Research Practice
SOCR8201    Introduction to Social Science Methods and Types of Data
SOCR8202    Using Data to Answer Policy Questions and Evaluate Policy

6 units from one of the following research projects courses:

SOCR8002    Survey Data Analysis
SOCR8003    Qualitative Research Analysis
SOCR8009    Quantitative data collection

18 units from completion of Social Research Methods Foundation courses, from any of the following lists:

Quantitative Data Analysis
DEMO8008    Principles of Population Analysis
SOCR8002    Survey Data Analysis
SOCR8009    Quantitative data collection
SOCR8011    Mixed methods social research

Qualitative Data Analysis
CHMD8004    Qualitative Methodologies for Health Research
POLS8044    Qualitative Research in Politics
SOCR8003    Qualitative Research Analysis
SOCR8008    Qualitative data collection
SOCR8011    Mixed methods social research

Social Research Methods Foundation
SOCR8004    Special Topic in Social Research
SOCR8006    Online Research Methods

24 units from completion of Advanced Methods or Discipline courses from any of the following lists:

Advanced Social Research Methods
DEMO8092    Life Course Analytics
EMET8014    Advanced Econometrics I
SOCR8010    Advanced Survey Data Analysis
SOCR8203    Advanced Techniques in the Creation of Social Science Data
SOCR8204    Advanced Social Science Approaches to Inform Policy Development and Service Delivery

Demographic Analysis
DEMO8024    Population and Society: Theory and Empirical Perspectives
DEMO8047    International Migration
DEMO8048    Gender and Population
DEMO8063    Spatial Population Data Analysis
DEMO8088    Population, Climate Change and Sustainable Development
DEMO8090    Population Issues in Asia and their Implications for World Development
DEMO8091    Population Projections and Dynamics
DEMO8092    Life Course Analytics

Analysing Crime and Justice
CRIM8001    Theories of Crime and Justice
CRIM8002    Cyber-security and Cybercrime
CRIM8003    Transnational and Organised Crime
CRIM8004    White Collar Crime: Fraud, Money Laundering and Corruption
HIST6232    Crime and Justice: Historical Dilemmas
REGN8001    Methods in Crime, Justice and Regulation
REGN8004    International Criminal Justice

Indigenous Research and Policy
HIST8016    Settler Societies and Indigenous Encounters
INDG8001    Australian Indigenous Development
INDG8003    Understanding Indigenous Wellbeing: Demographic and Socioeconomic Change
INDG8004    Australian Indigenous Policy

Policy Analysis
IDEC8003    Issues in Development Policy
IDEC8026    Quantitative Policy Impact Evaluation
IDEC8088    Cost-Benefit Analysis: Principles and Practice
POGO8025    Social Policy Analysis
POGO8029    Health Policy in a Globalising World
POGO8055    Case Studies in Decision Making
POGO8084    Principles of Social Policy
POGO8210    Case Studies in Economic Policy
SOCR8202    Using Data to Answer Policy Questions and Evaluate Policy

Politics and Society
HIST6240    Democracy and Dissent: Europe Since 1945
MEAS8111    Islam, the West and International Terrorism
MEAS8121    Approaches to the Study of Modern Muslim Societies
MEAS8124    Islamic Banking: Debates and Development
MEAS8127    Islam and Sectarianism in the Middle East
POLS8019    Democracy and its Discontents
POLS8027    Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism
POLS8032    Globalisation: the Interaction of Economics and Politics
POLS8038    Comparative Political Institutions
POLS8039    Comparative Political Behaviour
POLS8040    Comparative Federalism
POLS8043    Violence and Political Order
POLS8046    Interest Groups, Advocacy and Public Policy

Analysing the Digital
SOCR8006    Online Research Methods
SOCY6066    Social Science of the Internet
SOCY8015    Software Studies and Platform Sociology
SOCY8016    Qualitative approaches to the digital

24 units from completion of elective courses offered by ANU

Unless otherwise stated, a course used to satisfy the requirements of one list may not be double counted towards satisfying the requirements of another list.


Admission Requirements

A Bachelor degree or international equivalent with a minimum GPA of 5/7

Cognate disciplines

Anthropology, Criminology, Development Studies, Economics, Geography, Marketing, Media and Communication, Political Science, Psychology, Social Policy, Sociology

English Language Requirement

All applicants must meet the University’s English Language Admission Requirements for Students

Assessment of Qualifications

Unless otherwise indicated, ANU will accept all Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications or international equivalents that meet or exceed the published admission requirements of our programs, provided all other admission requirements are also met. Where an applicant has more than one completed tertiary qualification, ANU will base assessment on the qualification that best meets the admission requirements for the program. Find out more about the Australian Qualifications Framework:

ANU uses a 7-point Grade Point Average (GPA) scale. All qualifications submitted for admission at ANU will be converted to this common scale, which will determine if an applicant meets our published admission requirements. Find out more about how a 7-point GPA is calculated for Australian universities:

Unless otherwise indicated, where an applicant has more than one completed tertiary qualification, ANU will calculate the GPA for each qualification separately. ANU will base assessment on the best GPA of all completed tertiary qualifications of the same level or higher.

Applications for course credit

Applicants with a Bachelor Degree or Graduate Certificate in a cognate discipline may be eligible for up to 24 units (one semester) of credit. Applicants with a Graduate Diploma or Bachelor degree with Honours in a cognate discipline may be eligible for up to 48 units (one year) of credit.


Annual indicative fee for domestic students

For more information see:

Annual indicative fee for international students

For further information on International Tuition Fees see:


ANU offers a wide range of scholarships to students to assist with the cost of their studies.

Eligibility to apply for ANU scholarships varies depending on the specifics of the scholarship and can be categorised by the type of student you are.  Specific scholarship application process information is included in the relevant scholarship listing.

For further information see the Scholarships website.

In a world increasingly reliant on data (big and small), a Master of Social Research from the ANU will give you the skills and experience to understand a changing Australian and global society, as well as the political, demographic and economic forces that shape and drive these changes. 

A Master of Social Research from the ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods will equip you with the practical skills to conduct, commission and evaluate research in the social sciences, and give you the opportunity to extend your skills in advanced research methods, and/or apply your skills to real-world policy and societal issues.

The program’s expert teaching staff are active researchers who can draw upon their wealth of local and international experience, as well as their connections with government and industry.

Graduates from ANU have been rated as Australia's most employable graduates and among the most sought after by employers worldwide.

The solid grounding in research methods at the heart of the Master of Social Research will open up a range of research career options within government, research organisations and in the private sector.


Career Options

Graduates from ANU have been rated as Australia's most employable graduates and among the most sought after by employers worldwide.

The latest Global Employability University Ranking, published by the Times Higher Education, rated ANU as Australia's top university for getting a job for the fourth year in a row.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion, students will have the skills and knowledge to:

1. summarise and critically review key studies in a particular substantive area of research;
2. use theory and existing literature to formulate social research questions and hypotheses;
3. construct and critically assess quantitative and qualitative social research designs;
4. identify the key stages of the social research project, how the components within each phase fit together, and be able to apply this knowledge to real-world research projects;
5. undertake basic statistical analysis appropriate for answering a stated research question;
6. present and interpret basic statistical research results; and


Further Information

  • Interested in writing a thesis? Check out the advanced version of this degree.
  • Please be aware that any courses taken as part of the 24 units from completion of elective courses offered by ANU list will not count towards the advanced degree should you decide to transfer. This is because the advanced degree has no free electives, as they are in practice replaced by a 24 unit thesis.
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