• Total units 48 Units
  • Areas of interest Statistics
  • Major code STDA-MAJ
  • Academic career Undergraduate
  • Academic Contact Dr Tao Zou

Statistics is data science. Through this major you will learn the tools that will empower the next generation of artificial intelligence, scientific inquiry, and predictive analytics for business and government. It will open you up to the exciting world of data science that is driving significant innovation in the world of start-ups and disrupting the socio-economic landscape. This degree will give you a rigorous mathematical and computational foundation in the areas of statistical learning (aka. machine learning), high-dimensional statistics, data visualisation, and the Bayesian approach that will help you build sophisticated models that capture the uncertainty in the world we live in.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Formulate statistical solutions to scientific, business, and policy questions while wrangling real world data, which may be messy, large, and complex.
  2. Visualise relationships among high dimensional and complex data (time and space).
  3. Explain and utilise the Bayesian framework for data analytics; appreciate when the Bayesian approach is beneficial.
  4. Using a diverse range of discipline backgrounds and varied data, communicate the role of generalised linear modelling techniques (GLMs) in modern applied statistics and implement GLM methodology.
  5. Demonstrate an understanding of the differences between the analysis of Big Data compared to the traditional small or medium scale data setting.
  6. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate the performance of various predictive models in a variety of discipline backgrounds.

Other Information

Students will need to complete the following courses to be able to complete the 48 units of this major:

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This major requires the completion of 48 units, which must consist of:

36 units from completion of the following compulsory courses:

STAT3011 Graphical Data Analysis

STAT3015 Generalised Linear Modelling

STAT3016 Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis

STAT3017 Big Data Statistics

STAT3040 Statistical Learning

STAT3050 Advanced Statistical Learning

12 units from completion of computer science courses from the following list:

COMP1110 Structured Programming

COMP2400 Relational Databases

COMP3425 Data Mining

COMP3430 Data Wrangling

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