• Total units 24 Units
  • Areas of interest Social Research
  • Minor code SORM-MIN

The Social Research Methods Minor introduces students to a range of research methodologies and techniques used by demographers, political scientists, sociologists, and criminologists. Courses in this minor are based on the pedagogy of "learning by doing". Students are introduced to the practical aspects of social research methods through specific research questions which inform current debates in demography, political science, sociology, and criminology. Examples of such questions include: How has the influence of public opinion polls on policymaking been changing over time? Has the gender gap in pay and university participation reversed to the advantage of women? Has crime been increasing in Australia, as the general public tends to believe?

In dealing with concrete questions students will have an opportunity to engage with all or at least some of the following research stages: study design including ethical considerations, data collection, data interpretation and reporting.


Learning Outcomes

  1. interpret and analyse survey data and data from statistical collections available from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, OECD, the UN and similar agencies;
  2. collect, interpret and analyse qualitative data generated through interviews or participant observation including online research;
  3. write research reports and essays based on empirical sources such as opinion polls, surveys, official statistical databases, observations, interviews and visual data; and
  4. design and carry out a methodologically sound research project.
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The Social Research Methods Minor requires the completion of 24 units which must include:

24 units from the completion of the following course(s):

CRIM3010 - Doing Criminology: Advanced Research Methods (6 units)

DEMO2002 - Population Analysis (6 units)

POLS3111 - Elections, Political Behaviour and Public Opinion in Australia (6 units)

SOCR1001 - Foundations of Social Research (6 units)

SOCR3001 - Data for Decision Making (6 units)

SOCY2038 - Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods (6 units)

SOCY2043 - Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods (6 units)

SOCY3169 - Online Research Methods (6 units)

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