• Total units 24 Units
  • Areas of interest Political Sciences
  • Minor code POLS-MIN
  • Academic career Undergraduate

Political Science is the study of human relationships that involve power, rule, or authority.  It is about how societies govern themselves and how societies ought to be governed.  It is about the political behaviour of individuals and groups that occurs in all societies.  It is about those who have political power in society and those who do not.

Political Science is a broadly-based discipline offering courses that span a number of sub-fields. The first-year courses provide an introduction to the study of politics and international relations including core concepts and methods of analysis while later-year courses allow students to take more specialized courses within (and across) four principal areas:

  1. Political thought and political theory or ideas,
  2. Australian government and public policy,
  3. Comparative politics and comparative public policy including the study of particular countries or regions.


Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion, students will have the knowledge and skills to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the nature and significance of politics and governance.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of differences in political systems and the contexts in which they operate.
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This minor requires the completion of 24 units, which must include:

12 units from completion of the following course(s):

Code Title Units
POLS1002 Introduction to Politics 6
POLS1009 Research and Writing in Political Science 6

12 units from completion of the following course(s):

Code Title Units
ASIA2026 The Politics of China 6
ASIA2031 Japanese Politics 6
ASIA2049 Politics and Society in Contemporary Korea 6
ASIA2070 Democracy in Southeast Asia 6
ASIA2081 Human Rights in Asia 6
ASIA2516 Indonesia: Politics, Society and Development 6
ECON3056 PPE Integration 3: Classic Literature in PPE 6
HIST2227 Australian Political History 6
PHIL2113 Global Justice 6
POLS2009 Bureaucracy and Public Policy 6
POLS2011 Development and Change 6
POLS2031 Politics in the Middle East 6
POLS2025 Politics in Britain 6
POLS2043 Pressure Groups and Political Lobbying 6
POLS2055 Pacific Politics 6
POLS2063 Contemporary Political Theory 6
POLS2069 Politics in Russia 6
POLS2070 Politics in Central Asia 6
POLS2102 Political Belief and Deceit 6
POLS2111 Elections, Political Behaviour and Public Opinion in Australia 6
POLS2114 Australian Political Institutions 6
POLS2119 Ideas in Politics 6
POLS2120 Foundations of Political Theory 6
POLS2121 Ideas in Australian Politics 6
POLS2125 Game Theory and Social Sciences 6
POLS2126 Democracy and Dictatorship 6
POLS2127 U.S. Politics 6
POLS2134 Gender and Politics 6
POLS2135 Race, Ethnicity and Representation 6
POLS2136 Power and influence in world politics 6
POLS3029 Sharing Power: Federalism in Comparative Perspective 6
POLS3031 Comparative Judicial Politics 6
POLS3036 International Terrorism 6
POLS3037 Globalisation: Communications, Culture and Democracy 6
SOCY2038 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods 6
SOCY2043 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods 6
SOCY2030 Sociology of Third World Development 6
POLS3041 Applied Policy Project 6
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